Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Kindergarten Newsletter November 30 - December 4th

Welcome back!  We hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving break. The next month will go fast!  Three weeks until our next!

Here’s what’s coming up……    

·        Sharing- bring in something that starts with the letter f (like in fish or feather). Please have your child stretch out the sounds of all their words in their 3 written clues. Please do NOT tell them how to spell the words.  They will benefit much more from stretching out and writing the sounds they hear.  It will also help them to be able to read their writing.  Thank you for your support!

·        Fieldtrip- Please turn in your green fieldtrip permission slip if you haven’t done so already. We will be singing holiday songs for the residents of Paradise Valley Estates Retirement Home on Tuesday, December 15. Students are encouraged to wear a Santa hat and festive clothing on that day.
We need parent drivers on that day. Please let your child’s teacher know as soon as possible if you will be chaperoning and driving a group of children, or if you will be driving only your own child.

·        Holiday Fair—Be sure to stop by  our Holiday Fair on Saturday, December 5th from 10:00a.m-2:00p.m.  There will be fun crafts for the kids, cool stuff to buy and food trucks for lunch!  Our Holiday Kindergarten tree will be raffled off, along with all the other grade levels. All Kindergarteners are invited to come and sing on the stage for everyone at 11:00a.m.  Santa will be there. Hope to see you all there!

·        Toys for Tots--Student council has begun collecting new and unopened toys!!  Please consider donating between November 30-December 11! 

·        Our theme for this week is Reindeer, and our new word wall word is “feel”.   We know the following High Frequency Words: I, a, like, the, see, is, can, my, and, have, go, to, has, you & feel.  Please encourage your child to use these words in their writing every day!

·        Our Writing Jobs have changed again!  We are now writing about how things feel when you touch them, soft, cold, squishy, bumpy, etc.  Please encourage your child to use these words in their writing practice each day.

·        We will begin talking about the different Holiday traditions in December.  If your family celebrates a special December/January holiday, we would like to invite you to come in and share it with our class.  Please talk to your teacher if you’d be willing to come in for a bit and share your family’s holiday traditions!

·        Please make sure your child is writing his/her name on Homework Packets!  Many are coming in each week without names!!!! 

·        Upcoming Dates to remember—

o      Winter break begins on Sat., Dec. 21st and goes through the 4th of Jan.  School resumes again on Tuesday, Jan. 5th.

Our attendance in Kindergarten last month was 97.90%.  Our school wide goal is to increase our attendance rate to 98%.  The importance of your child’s attendance cannot be emphasized enough.  Thank you again for all that you do at home to support your child’s learning.  We appreciate all that you do!  Please feel free to email with any concerns or questions!  Thank you!!

The Kindergarten Team
Mrs. Barnes:
Mrs. Barron:
Mrs. Ron:

Ms. Davila:

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