8 - 11th
We hoped you all enjoyed a lovely and fun-filled
three day weekend! Here’s to a great
short week! Here’s what’s coming up for
the week…
We are off and running with our
Kindergarten Program! We
are pounding letter names and sounds, and have already begun assessing your
child to see how many they know. This
information will be given to you at our 6-week progress reports in Oct. At that time, we will give you a heads up as
to what your child needs to know for our Report Card period in November. Please help your child to know ALL letter
names and sounds, as well as the High Frequency words that we have
introduced. Daily practice really
Our theme this Month is Apples, and our new word
wall word is “is.” So far, we know the
following High Frequency Words: I, like, see, a, the, & is .
Parent volunteers have started!!!! If you have signed up to
come in to volunteer for center time, please COME IN! We would love to have our volunteers come from 8:15 – 10 am for
the morning session, and 11:45-1:20 pm for the afternoon session. Please check in with the office and get your
volunteer badge, and come in through our back doors! Thank you!!!!!!
Our Homework this week continues to be
handwriting! There are only three pages
because of our short week. ALL of us
need extra help in writing our names.
Please have your child write THEIR OWN NAME at the top of each
side of the homework pages. Please
don’t do it for them, and if you take the packet apart, please staple it back
together before sending it back to school!
We will check and record your child’s work, but won’t be sending it back
anymore unless there is a problem. Thank
Writing—We have already
jumped right into writing every day! We
are expecting your child to know the words “I, see, like, a, the, & is.”
Please encourage them to write those every day. You can even start writing simple sentences such as, “I like
____.” Or “I see the _____.” You can stretch out the sounds of the unfamiliar
word or draw a picture. Daily writing
practice helps tremendously!
We have had several birthdays already.
Feel free to send in a birthday snack to share with the class. If you would like to donate a hardcover book
to the classroom, which then goes to our Mundy library at the end of the school
year, please do so. The kids love to
see their Kindergarten birthday books when they are older!
One last reminder: Please LABEL EVERYTHING, with a black Sharpie pen that your child
could possibly take off or put down.
Thank you again for all that you do at home to
support your child’s learning. We
appreciate all that you do! Please feel
free to email with any concerns or questions!
Thank you!!
The Kindergarten Team
Sarah Barnes,Erin Barron
Theresa Davila, Kim Ron
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