Here’s what’s coming up for this week…
Thank you to all those who attended our
Back to School Night last week! We had
a fabulous turnout! We are very
fortunate to have so many invested and concerned parents! You all make the difference in your child’s
education! On a similar note…As I attended my own Back to
School Night for my own high schoolers (sigh), I was not at all surprised to
see that the majority of the students who are now in the Advanced Placement
classes in high school, were from Nelda Mundy.
We truly have awesome kids and parents around here and their ambitious
education starts right here in Kindergarten!
A second Emergency card went home with your child
last week. These are required by the
office. Please send them back as soon
as you can, so that we can have a copy of your emergency information in the
Homework will come home
every Monday and be due back to school every Friday. Your child should always complete their
homework in pencil unless specifically asked to color something in crayon. Please do not return it to school
earlier in the week. It will
not be collected until Friday.
Homework this week~
So far, we are only requiring handwriting practice of letters and our high
frequency words. We cannot stress
enough, the importance of proper formation for handwriting. We may have returned some of your child’s
handwriting homework last week with notes explaining what we expect. Please be sure to sit with your child
to ensure proper formation of letters, spaces between each letter, and
writing ON the lines. This is hard for
them. They need your support and
encouragement at home.
This week we are working on the letters Dd,
& Gg. They were
chosen because they both start with making the “magic c.” Here’s what you need to know about them:
o To
make a g—make a “magic c”, go up, then down into the
basement and give it a tail.
o To
make a d—start with a “magic c”, go up to the top line,
then trace back down to the bottom line.
o To
make the word (and letter) I—start at the top and
make a tall man down, give it a hat and shoes.
Lower case, make the line going down and then put the dot above it.
Our theme this week is Shapes AND building
and making Patterns. This is an
important skill for Kindergarteners.
You can always find patterns all around with your child, as well as make
them yourselves at home!
Our new word wall word is the. We will introduce a new word wall each week
that your child will be expected to learn and use. These are displayed in the classroom for them to reference and
use in their writing. So far, we know
the following words: I, see, a, like & the.
folders go back and forth to school EVERY DAY, with the exclusion of Wed.’s. Please have your child to put
their folder in the bucket every day.
Do NOT do it for them, as they will not learn the routine. We are encouraging independence!
Please be sure that EVERYTHING you bring to
school is LABELED with your
Parent Volunteers~~We
have begun our parent volunteer hours!
If you signed up to volunteer, you are welcome to start coming in this
week. Thank you to all those who have
already started coming in each day! We
appreciate you!
School Spirit Fridays!!!~Every
Friday is School Spirit Day. Please
have your child wear school colors, green & gray.
We have severe nut allergies in Kindergarten every
year. Please NO NUTS at
snack time!!!
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