Friday, August 14, 2015

Newsletter August 17-21

PHEW!!!!!  Welcome to the official 2nd week of Kindergarten!  Hopefully you have all gracefully made it through and are feeling a bit more comfortable!  Many thanks to those of you who donated supplies. We truly appreciate it!!! Please look for our newsletter in your email each Monday to find out about the happenings for the upcoming week. 

Here’s what’s coming up for this week… 

·        First and Foremost~~~~if you are reading this via email, yay.  If you are reading it on a piece of paper, we NEED YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS, or, the one you gave us isn’t working!!!  If someone tells you that he/she is NOT receiving any information from the teachers, please tell them to EMAIL us!!!  

Homework will come home every Monday and be due back to school every Friday.  Your child should always complete their homework in pencil unless specifically asked to color something in crayon.  Please do not return it to school earlier in the week.  It will not be collected until Friday.  Please encourage your child to use a proper pinching pencil grip and to write all of their letters with the correct top-down letter formation.  Your child should be able to write their names independently at this time. Only the first letter should be capitalized, all others need to be lower case.  If they are not, PLEASE continue to practice daily until it is effortless for them.  Thank you!!!

·        Please be sure that EVERYTHING you bring to school is LABELED~~ backpacks, folders, lunch boxes, water bottles,
jackets, sweaters, sweatshirts…

·        Please have your child use the BATHROOM BEFORE school every day.

·        We have severe peanut allergies in Kindergarten every year.  Please NO PEANUTS or foods containing peanuts (ie. peanut butter) at snack time!!! 

·        Folders~~ folders go back and forth to school EVERY DAY, except Wednesdays.  Please encourage your child to put their folder in the bucket every day.  Do NOT do it for them, as they will not learn our routine.  We are trying to encourage independence! 

·        Paperwork~~ If you have not returned the paperwork from the first day of school, please do so NOW!!!! 

·        SNACK~~ please send your child to school every day with a SNACK!!!!  We will NOT provide snack for your child!!

·        Parent Volunteers~~We will have a sign up sheet for Parent Volunteers at Back to School Night.  If you are interested in volunteering in our classroom this year, you will need to be fingerprinted with the school district.  You can get this process started early by calling them and telling them that you need to be fingerprinted.   

·        Upcoming important dates~~ Kindergarten t-shirt orders are due by August 24th (please, make checks payable to MCA; no cash). August 25th is Back to School Night.  More info to come later!

Thank you again for all that you do at home to support your child’s learning.  We appreciate all that you do!  Please feel free to email with any concerns or questions!  Thank you!! 

The Kindergarten Team
Sarah Barnes,  Erin Barron
Theresa Davila  and Kim Ron

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