14 - 18th
We have a big favor
to ask…if you are the last one through the gate after the school day starts,
will you please CLOSE the gate behind you? Thank you!
Here’s what’s coming up for this week…
Our theme this MONTH is APPLES, and our new word
wall word is “and.” So NOW, we know the following High Frequency Words:
I, a, like, the, see, is & and.
This week we will also be celebrating
Constitution Day, as it falls on Thursday.
We LOVE Constitution Day in Kindergarten and have
planned some super fun activities for center time. Please encourage your child to wear red, white & blue on
Thursday! We love any chance we get to
dress up around here!
Parent volunteers are in full
swing!!!! If
you signed up to volunteer for center time, please COME IN! We would love to have our volunteers come
from 8:15 – 10 am for the morning session, and 11:45-1:15 pm for the afternoon
session. Please check in with the
office and get your volunteer badge, and come in through our back doors! Thank you!!!!!!
New Volunteer Training will
be held Wednesday, September 16th starting at 8:30am in
the MPR. MCA will train parents on
operating copy machines and other equipment.
They will also discuss Room Parent duties. Any one who plans to volunteer in Kindergarten is welcome to
All of Kindergarten will be having our
annual Apple Day Festival on Thursday, Sept.24th. This is a fun day where
each class travels from Rm. 401, to Rm. 402, and outside, doing different fun
apple activities. There will be two
sessions, one in the am and one in the pm, and it will take place during our
center time. We will need parent
volunteers to help us run and manage the centers. If you’re available to come in to help that day, please
let your teacher know. Thank you!
Our Homework this week continues to be
handwriting! Please reinforce the
letter formation of letters a-f. Please
refer to the top of the handwriting sheet for our phrasing. We have included the wording on all
handwriting pages. It really helps
students to hear the same wording at home as they do from us in the
Writing—We have already
jumped right into writing every day! We
are expecting your child to know the words “I, see, the, like & is.” Please encourage them to write those every
day. You can even start writing simple
sentences such as, “I like ____.” “ I
see a _____.” Or “The _____ is _____.” You can stretch out the sounds of the
unfamiliar word or draw a picture.
Daily writing practice helps tremendously!
LIBRARY has started!!! We want to clarify any
confusion about library books. The kids
get to “keep” their library books for the whole week. We just ask that you send them back by Monday or Tuesday
so that we can return them to the library by Tuesday afternoon and be
ready for check out Wed. morning! Your
child is never expected to return a library book on their own!! There will be a library return bucket
outside in the mornings so the kids can return their library books whenever
they are done with them!
- Picture Day will be on Friday, Sept. 25th. More details to come!
Thank you again for all that you do at home to
support your child’s learning. We
appreciate all that you do! Please feel
free to email your child’s teacher with any concerns or questions! Please do not hit reply to this email.
Thank you!!
The Kindergarten Team
Sarah Barnes, Erin Barron
Theresa Davila and Kim Ron
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