Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Newsletter Sept. 21st-25th

Picture Day is HERE !!!  Picture Day will be THIS Friday, the 25th.  We will be taking pictures as a whole class, up on the risers, so keep in mind that your child’s whole body will be in the picture!  So cute!  

Here’s what’s coming up for this week… 

·        Apple Festival!!  Our annual apple festival is THIS Thursday, the 24th during center time.  We will have many fun centers in both classrooms, as well as outside.  We would LOVE to have parents to help us run the centers outside!  If you are willing/available to volunteer, we’d love to have you.    See you there!

·        DONATIONS NEEDED--We will be using lots of apples on Thursday, tasting, and measuring, and stamping them.  If you are able to donate yellow, green or red apples, please let your teacher know!  THANK YOU!!!  If you are interested in donating an apple pie or other fun apple treat, please see your child’s teacher.

*SHARING*  We are starting Sharing in Kindergarten.  Due to the larger morning classes, we will need to do sharing every day, Monday through Friday, in order to get every child a chance.  Your child will be bringing home a sharing schedule with their day of the week.  Please help your child come in prepared on their day with their item in a bag and a few simple clues written on a piece of paper.  We will send home the sharing assignment in the weekly newsletter.  We will now send the newsletters on Fridays in order for the Monday kids to come to school prepared and ready to present.  Sharing is important for your child to do in order develop their public speaking skills.

SHARING TOPIC:  Please send your child ready to present something that starts with the letter G.  We are still working on our letter sounds and this will be a great way to reinforce them.

·        Homework this week—We’re continuing to work on proper handwriting for homework, as well as high frequency words and writing a sentence.  PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE work on letter sounds with your child at home.  There are 30 letter sounds that we test your child on, 26 letters in the alphabet and the digraphs, /sh/, /ch/, /th/, /wh/.  ALL students need to continue to work on sounds, as well as stretching out/segmenting sounds in simple CVC words on their own.  We work on letter sounds and High Frequency Words every day in class, but if you are doing flashcards or put them on the fridge or on the wall at home for more exposure, you will notice that they will learn them much quicker. 

·        Our theme this MONTH continues to be APPLES, and our new word wall word is “my.”    NOW, we know the following High Frequency Words: I, a, like, the, see, is, and & my.

·        Writing—We continue to write every day!  We are expecting your child to know the words “I, see, the, like, is, can & my.”  Please encourage them to write those every day.  You can even start writing simple sentences such as, “I like the ____.”  OR “ I see a _____.”  Have your child stretch out the sounds of the unfamiliar word or draw a picture.  If your child is ready, please encourage MORE in their writing!!!  We always encourage more detail and words in sentences if kids are ready.  Daily writing practice helps tremendously.

·        Guided Reading Books—We have begun to send home little guided reading books with your child.  These are the books that we read with your child each day.  Please help us to keep these beloved and VERY important books safe.  Please return them EVERY day in your child’s folder in the little Ziploc bag provided.  ****If your child does NOT receive one, it is because he/she is not ready for books at this time and is still working on letter sounds and high frequency words.**** 

·        LIBRARY—please return your library books BY Monday or Tuesday at the latest, as we will go to the library each Wed.  Please help us by reiterating the process of checking out a book--- find one you’d like, take it to Mrs. Sagara our librarian, find your library card on the table, check out your book, and then take your book home in your backpack.  We still have some confusion about checking out books.  J  We are still learning!!
Folders & Homework— Just a friendly reminder, we do NOT send folders home on Wacky Wednesdays and we do not collect homework until Fridays. Thanks!!!
Thank you again for all that you do at home to support your child’s learning.  We appreciate all that you do!  Please feel free to email with any concerns or questions!  Thank you!!

The Kindergarten Team
Mrs. Barnes:  sarahba@fsusd.org
Mrs. Barron:  erinba@fsusd.org
Mrs. Ron:  kimr@fsusd.org
Ms. Davila:  theresad@fsusd.org

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