Friday, October 6, 2017

Kindergarten Newsletter October 10th – 13th

THANK YOU to all those who helped make and hang our Halloween door decor!  They are adorable!  Here’s what’s coming up for next week…
  • Guided Reading Little Books—We’ve begun sending home your child’s guided reading book, several days a week (not every day!) They go home in a labeled Ziploc bag. These are the instructional books that your child is reading in small group every day.  These books are a very important part of our Reading Program, and cannot be replaced, but we know the value in sending home reading practice at your child’s reading level.   PLEASE have your child read it many times, and return it to school in the Ziploc bag provided, INSIDE your child’s folder.

  • Our Silveyville Pumpkin Patch field trip will soon be here.  We are ALL attending school from 8:15 - 11:35AM.  Please remember that PM comes early that day.  If you have not yet gotten in your paperwork to be approved as a volunteer driver, it is too late for this field trip.  You can still be cleared for future trips though.  

  • Hopefully by next week, we will be sending a Signup Genius to help prepare for our Halloween parties!  Please be on the lookout!  Sometimes these go straight to SPAM, so you may want to check there if you don’t receive it.

  • The Sharing Can is your child’s opportunity to read and share in front of their peers.  Please help them to be as confident as possible by helping THEM to write their own clues.  Please don’t write it for them because they cannot read it!  We want this to be THEIR moment in the spotlight!  Thank you!
A note regarding writing.  We work on writing every day as a whole class.  When writing independently, we encourage your child’s writing to include...
o       1 complete sentence that makes sense
o    left to right, using finger spaces between words
o        uppercase letter at the beginning, lowercase throughout the rest of the word or sentence
o        spelling all word wall words correctly
o        stretching out unfamiliar words--please DON’T spell for your child!
o        a period at the end of the sentence
***Please note…most children have barely begun to write words, not to mention a complete sentence.  This is what we are working on every day.  Therefore, most children are still “progressing” in writing, which is perfectly ok!  As the year progresses, students will be expected to write 2 sentences in March and 3 sentences in May.  Daily practice WILL make a world of difference!  Thank you for your support and reinforcement of our standards from home.  Like always, feel free to email your teacher with any questions or concerns.

  • Because we are no longer requiring homework, we really rely on you to provide that extra practice your child needs, from home.  The more practice they have in letter names, sounds, recognizing high frequency words and writing their name, the more confident they will be in class.  

  • Our theme next week is BATS & SPIDERS, and our new word wall word is “is.”  NOW, we know the following High Frequency Words:
    • I, a, like, the, see, she, can, and, go & is.  **Please encourage your child to use these words in their writing every day.

  • Yearbook Reminder:  Order your Mundy yearbook today!!  You can order online to make it easier! Yearbook ID Code: 10276918….Reminder - Ordering deadline for Yearbooks is December 31st, 2017.
  • Holiday Fair—Our Mundy Holiday Fair will be held on Saturday, Dec. 2nd, from 10AM - 1PM.  Please mark your calendars, and plan to join us.  It is always a fantastic event!  More information will be coming soon.
  • EVERY FRIDAY IS SPIRIT DAY!   Wear school colors, GREEN & GRAY, OR wear Nelda Mundy spirit wear that can be purchased on line.  Please show school spirit!  Our Kindergarten t-shirts should be here by next week!!!!  We are excited!

Thank you again for all that you do at home to support your child’s learning.  We appreciate all that you do!  Please feel free to email with any concerns or questions!  Thank you!!
The Kindergarten Team
Mrs. Barnes:
Mrs. Barron:
Mrs. Ron:
Ms. Davila:
Mrs. Pravin:

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