Kindergarten Newsletter
October 30th – Nov. 2nd
Happy Halloween!!! Here’s what’s coming up for this week…
· Happy Halloween! All are welcome to our parties this Tuesday. Our school-wide Halloween parade will be at 1:00pm on Tuesday afternoon, which means the morning kids will have already gone home. Sooooo…the morning kids will be “parading” through all classrooms first thing on Halloween morning. You’re welcome to join us. Please have your child come to school in their costume (please no weapons)! Halloween is a party day in Kindergarten. We will be celebrating all day long!
***Wednesday November 1st is Pajama Day! Wear your PJ’s or coziest clothes to make getting up the day after Halloween a little easier.
***Disguise a Turkey is coming home in your child’s folder today or Monday. PLEASE cut it out before decorating it and turning it in. We would like to hang them up as they come in, so the sooner, the better, but please don’t stress yourselves out to complete them! Thank you!!!!
· Our theme this week is Leaves & Scarecrows, and our new word wall word is has. We know the following High Frequency Words: I, a, like, the, see, is, can, my, and, go, she, we, he & has. Please encourage your child to use these words in their writing every day! Practicing reading and writing these words daily has an incredible impact. Now that we are testing for Report Cards, we are seeing some students making AMAZING progress. Each and every one of them practice their words at home. Please start working on them now if you aren’t already. You could put the words up on index cards with painters tape on your kitchen cabinet doors. Make your own word wall and have your child work on them daily. You’ll soon see the difference it makes. It’s POWERFUL!
· Upcoming Dates to be aware of----
o Nov. 3th there is NO SCHOOL for students. Teacher Work Day.
o Nov. 10th is Veteran’s Day and no school for ALL.
o Nov. 13th – 17th are minimum days for the WHOLE school. ALL Kinder kids come to school from 8:15-11:35am.Traffic will be hectic!! Walk in if you can. Be on the lookout for a Sign Up Genius to schedule your Student Led Conference for one afternoon that week.
November 20-24th is Thanksgiving break. Enjoy the holiday with your family!
· We are continually collecting items for the Holiday Tree. Thank you for donating fun things for our Kindergarten tree! If you have signed up to donate any gift cards for the Holiday Tree, please give it to your child’s teacher. We will keep it in a safe place.
Six Flags Read to Succeed is a reading incentive program that is voluntary. If you would like your child to participate, they can read six hours at home to earn one free admission ticket. Paperwork is coming home today.
· Classroom volunteers—Thank you for helping us to keep the noise level down during center time!
· Guided Reading Little Books—Just a friendly reminder that we won’t always send a new book each day. Sometimes we are doing assessments, and we can’t get to reading groups each day. But when we DO send books home, thank you for returning them every day!
· Some of you have asked for clarification about your child’s Ziploc bags. If we are sending home HIGH FREQUENCY WORDS on flashcards, please keep them at home. As we learn new words, we will send new ones home. Please practice reading and writing them every day. Our goal and expectation is for every kindergartener to know all of their letter names and sounds by now, as well as the current High Frequency Words. Please help us help your children achieve that goal.
News from Mr. Kubiak and Ms. McCormick:
- Please remember that there are No Dogs allowed on campus, unless it is a service animal.
- Bikes and scooters are to be walked on campus at all times, and students MUST wear helmets.
- Cardboard Challenge/STEAM Night! 5:00-7:00pm, Read Here for details Bring scissors, tape and whatever else you want to help put together your awesome creation! No student drop offs and parental supervision required.
Thank you again for all that you do at home to support your child’s learning. We appreciate all that you do! Please feel free to email with any concerns or questions!
Thank you!!
The Kindergarten Team
Mrs. Barnes:
Mrs. Barron:
Mrs. Ron:
Ms. Davila:
Mrs. Pravin:
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