Kindergarten Newsletter
October 2nd - 6th
Thank you to all who participated in Pirate Day!!! It was SUCH a fun day in costumes! Here’s what’s coming up for the first week of October…
· Progress reports are coming home on Monday! Please read over them and keep it for your records. You do not need to send it back to school unless specified. As always, feel free to send your teacher an email if you have questions or need any clarification. Our next formal assessments will be our report cards and conferences in the month of November.
- This Wednesday, Oct. 4th, is Walktoberfest! It is National Walk to School Day!
There is NO School on Monday, Oct. 9th. Enjoy a three day weekend!
- Reading groups have started, and we are busily learning to read in small groups. We struggled this year with deciding whether to send home books for extra practice, as we lose books every year. But we know how valuable this extra nightly practice is, so we have decided to start sending books home every night. You will see small books coming home in a Ziploc bag with your child’s name attached. PLEASE return these each day! We cannot give your child a new book until the last one is returned. We will take out the book from their folders each day. Thank you for understanding how valuable these books are to us, and helping us with this important part of our reading program!
- Our Halloween party will be here before you know it. Be on the lookout for the Sign-Up Genius to help out with our Halloween party!
- Our theme this week is PUMPKINS, and our new word wall word is “can.”
NOW, we know the following High Frequency Words: I, a, like, the, see, is, my & can. Please encourage your child to use these words in their writing every day!
- Pride Card Prizes-Your Kindergartener may have shared their excitement for earning a Pride Card for being caught doing something thoughtful or responsible. Every Friday, we will pull 3-5 pride cards and award prizes. If you would like to donate prizes for our Kindergarten prize bucket, please send in small items from the dollar bins from Target or the 99cent store. THANK YOU!
- SHOE LACES-Learning to tie your own shoes is a very important skill in Kindergarten. Please help your child practice this at home at every opportunity. Thank you!!!
- EVERY FRIDAY IS SPIRIT DAY! Wear our school colors, GREEN & GRAY, OR wear Nelda Mundy spirit wear that can be purchased online. Please show your school spirit! Our Kindergarten spirit t-shirts should be coming in this week!
Thank you again for all that you do at home to support your child’s learning. We appreciate all that you do! Please feel free to email with any concerns or questions! Thank you!!
The Kindergarten Team
Mrs. Barnes: Mrs. Barron:
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