Happy Friday everyone! Have a fabulous three day weekend!!
- Our theme next week is Patterns, and our new word wall word will be “the.” So far, we know the following High Frequency Words: I, a and see.
- Parent volunteers have started!!!! If you signed up to come in to volunteer for center time, please COME IN! We would love to have our volunteers come from 8:45 – 10 am for the morning session, and 11:40 - 12:50 pm for the afternoon session. Times may vary ever so slightly with each classroom, so please check with your teacher. Please check in with the office, get your volunteer badge, and come in through our back doors! Thank you!!!
- We have scheduled our first field trip of the school year to the Silveyville Pumpkin Patch on Oct. 18th, and we will need drivers!!! If you would like to volunteer to drive on our field trips, you will need to be fingerprinted, as well as have all insurance and DMV forms filled out ASAP. The forms can be found in the office, or can be printed from the following link. https://www.fsusd.org/cms/.../Transportation_Documents_1060.pdf
- Please keep practicing handwriting at home! ALL of us need extra help in writing our names. Please have your child practice writing THEIR OWN NAME every day, using one uppercase letter at the beginning, followed by lowercase letters. We expect everyone to be able to write their name quickly on every single piece of paper every day! The easier they can do this, the more successful they will be in getting their work finished at center time.
- Library--We have started library! Each of the classes has a different library day. Please be sure to have your child return their library book in the bucket the DAY BEFORE library day.
- Mrs. Pravin - Tuesdays
- Mrs. Ron & Mrs. Barron - Wednesdays
- Mrs. Barnes & Ms. Davila - Thursdays
- Writing—We have already jumped right into writing! We are expecting your child to know the words “I, see & a.” Please encourage them to write those every day. You can even start writing simple sentences such as, “I see a ____.” You can stretch out the sounds of the I word or draw a picture. Daily writing practice helps tremendously!
- Thank you all for attending BACK TO SCHOOL NIGHT! Some of our classes are still in need of parent volunteers each day. If you are considering helping out during center time, we’d love to have you. Please see your child’s teacher. This is our sacred time to work closely with small groups of kids to teach reading, while parents monitor our center groups. This is essential to our success!! If you are able, please consider coming in! Thank you!!!!!
- PLEASE complete and return the neon green emergency cards if you have not already done so. Thank you.
- We have our first field trip scheduled at this time. More will be added as they can be arranged.
October 18th – Silveyville Pumpkin Patch in Dixon
- If you plan to be a volunteer driver, please fill out the insurance forms located in the office. You will also need to be fingerprinted. You can come to Mundy on Sept. 12th OR you can make an appt at the district office. The sooner the better!
- Birthdays… If you would like to donate a hardcover book to the classroom, which then goes to our Mundy library at the end of the school year, please do so. The kids love to see their Kindergarten birthday books when they are older!
- One last reminder: Please LABEL EVERYTHING, with a black Sharpie pen that your child could possibly take off or put down. Do not allow your child to bring toys to school. We know they are very precious to them and we don’t want them to get lost or broken.
Thank you again for all that you do at home to support your child’s learning. We appreciate all that you do! Please feel free to email with any concerns or questions! Thank you!!
The Kindergarten Team
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