Here’s what’s coming up for next week…
· Fieldtrip- We will be walking
to the Cordelia Library on Monday, March 6th to celebrate Dr.
Seuss’ birthday. We will listen to a story, complete a craft, and have a snack.
If you are able to volunteer to supervise that day, please join us. Please do
NOT bring any siblings to tag along when chaperoning a fieldtrip (this is a
school district policy). The AM Kinder class will be leaving at 9:45 a.m.
and the PM Kinder class will be leaving at 1:15 p.m.
DR. SEUSS SPIRIT DAY !!! Wear RED, black &
white on Monday, March 6th as a salute to Dr.
Leprechaun Trap homework!!—We are asking
you to help your children design and create some sort of leprechaun trap to
bring to school before Friday, March 17th. A
letter about this special assignment went home this week. We will be setting up
their traps ON St. Patrick’s Day (March 17th) to see
if we can catch a leprechaun!!! Please
feel free to be as creative as you’d like OR as simple as you’d like! There are lots of ideas if you google it or
on Pinterest.
will be taking a fieldtrip to Imagine That in Vacaville on Thursday, March 30th.
It is centered around hands-on STEAM activities. Please turn in your permission
slip by March 10th, if you haven’t done so already.
Minimum Days- There
will be minimum days for the entire school to accommodate Parent/Teacher
Conferences on March 15, 16, and 17th. On these days ALL
kindergarteners will attend school from 8:15 – 11:35am.
Please plan accordingly….traffic will be a nightmare, please be patient.
Speaking of parent conferences…
for this trimester, all students who are working ON grade level or above will
NOT be required to have a parent conference.
If your child does need a parent/teacher conference, your child’s
teacher will inform you and email you a SignUp Genius to schedule a conference
during March 15-17th.
Report Cards will be sent home with
students the week of March 13th.
Mundy Movie Night- will
be on Friday, March 10th from 5-7pm in the MPR. The Never Ending
Story will be featured. It is $5 per student.
Our theme for next week is Frogs. Our new word wall word is “but.” We now know the following words: I, like, see, a, is, the, can, my, and, have,
go, to, has, am, look, are, saw, went, with, up, they & do.
EGGS is now a required portion of the weekly homework assignment. Your child
must log on at least 3 times each week. Your child’s
username and password are taped inside their folder. Please
have your child complete 1-2 pages each night, and complete the writing
assignment on the last page. Your child
should now be working on writing 3 sentences on one topic.
Writing—Our writing job
has changed! For the month of March, we
will be talking and writing about how things taste. Please have your child write at least
two sentences about something you eat at home, school or out on the town, and
write about what it tastes like. Our
goal now is to have the kids choose one topic and elaborate on it, and really
describe the experience. “Today my mom
took me out for frozen yogurt. I picked
vanilla frozen yogurt with blueberries on top.
The frozen yogurt tasted cold and soft in my mouth. The blueberries squirted juice when I ate
them.” (in Kindergarten writing of
course) We are encouraging LOTS of
writing that all goes together!
REMINDER Please be sure
that your child returns their book bag in their folder everyday. Thank you!!
Thank you again for all that you do at home to
support your child’s learning. We
appreciate all that you do! Please feel
free to email with any concerns or questions!
Thank you!!
The Kindergarten Team
Mrs. Barnes:
Mrs. Barron:
Mrs. Ron:
Ms. Davila:
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