Friday, May 27, 2016

Kindergarten Newsletter May 31st – June 3rd

Here’s what’s coming up for this final, crazy busy and short week…
  • Monday May 30th NO SCHOOL  Memorial Day Holiday.

  • NO homework or sharing this week.
·        Father’s Day in Kindergarten will be on Tuesday May 31 !  We invite all dads and/or grandpas to come in and share an hour with your child in Kindergarten!  We will start our activities at the beginning of your child’s day, so please plan to bring your child to school that day and stay for about an hour!  Thank you!!!!
·        Library books are past due , so if you still have a library book at home, please return it tomorrow!!!
Hawaiian Day---This will be on Wednesday, June 1 st.  Your children will be performing a few songs that we have learned.  We will be performing on the stone steps next to our library.  Please plan to be here for the first 20 minutes or so for their songs.  The remainder of the day will be Hawaiian Day in Kindergarten and we encourage you to stay and help out if you’d like!  Please have your child dress in their Hawaiian/tropical/colorful BEST!!!!
·        June 2nd is the last regular school day.   We will be sharing our class slideshows at the very beginning of your child’s day.  Please plan to stay for the first 30 minutes to watch it with your classmates!  It’s a very sweet show!
  • June 3rd is our last day!  Please be on the look out for a sign up to volunteer to bring in supplies for our last day party!  This is a minimum day and all Kindergartners come to school 8:15-11:35.
·        Reading Eggs!!!  Once your child enters the First Grade, you will no longer have this program.  Please continue to log onto Reading Eggs and use it to help reinforce our standards.
·        Typing FUN!  Dance Mat Typing is a very child friendly, FREE, colorful, FUN typing tutor program available online that we have used. Here is the link to cut & paste…
Thank you again for all that you do at home to support your child’s learning.  We appreciate all that you do!  Please feel free to email with any concerns or questions!  Thank you!!
The Kindergarten Team
Mrs. Barnes:
Mrs. Barron:
Mrs. Ron:

Ms. Davila:

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