Monday, November 3, 2014

November 3-6th

Kindergarten Newsletter
November 3rd - 6th           

We’d like to send you ALL a very BIG THANK YOU for helping us to make our Halloween parties so much fun, despite the RAIN!  Your generosity and helpfulness is very much appreciated!!!!!

Here’s what’s coming up for this week… 
·        A sign up genius will be emailed soon so that you can sign up for student/ teacher/ parent conferences!!  Can’t believe it’s that time already!

·        CALLING ALL VOLUNTEERS……Although we ALWAYS rely heavily on our parent volunteers in order to run a successful and smooth classroom, we ESPECIALLY need extra help in Mrs. Ron’s class.  Mrs. Ron will be out until the end of the calendar year, and will have many different substitute teachers coming and going.  We need consistent, reliable help in her room in order to keep her class going like the rest of us!  If you are available, PLEASE, please, please help us out!   

·        TURKEYS in DISGUISE!!!!!  Please help your child to transform their turkeys in disguise, and turn them in as soon as you finish them.  These are going up on our walls, and we would love for them all to be special and creative and fun.  Please help your child to add special details, such as fabric, scrapbook paper, glitter, or any other details to really disguise those turkeys.  PLEASE NO FOOD!

·        Please cut your turkeys OUT!  Thank you!

·        Canned Food Drive—Student council has organized a canned food drive, and all donated items will be delivered to needy families in FAIRFIELD, just in time for Thanksgiving.  We are helping our kids to be grateful for what we have.  Please consider donating to those who have less. 

·        Upcoming Dates to be aware of----

o      Nov. 7th –no school for students
o      Nov. 10th is no school.
o      Nov. 11th – Veteran’s Day – No school!

·        Nov. 17 – 21st  are minimum days for the WHOLE school.  *ALL Kinder kids come to school together from 8:15-11:35am all week long. Dismissal every day will be just like Wednesdays.  Please be on time to pick up your Kindergartener.  Be prepared for a crazy week! 

·         Our theme this week is Leaves & Scarecrows, and our new word wall word is “has”.   We know the following High Frequency Words: I, a, like, the, see, is, can, my, and, have, go, to, & has.  Please encourage your child to use these words in their writing every day!

  • Writing—we have covered the following topics/words in our monthly writing—color words & size and shape words.  Our NEW writing job this month is to include FAMILY words, such as mom, dad, brother, sister, cousin, etc.  Please try to practice writing sentences using these words every day.  The kids will have less days this month in which to practice for show-off writing, so the more you can help at home, the better they will do!

·        Guided Reading Little BooksOur goal is to start sending these home again this week.  They will NOT come home, however, during the week of minimum days.  Thank you for returning these each day.

·        Please do NOT send your child’s little reading book back without the Ziploc bag.  This is our way of monitoring who has returned their books.

Thank you again for all that you do at home to support your child’s learning.  We appreciate all that you do!  Please feel free to email with any concerns or questions!  Thank you!!
The Kindergarten Team
Mrs. Barnes:
Mrs. Barron:
Mrs. Ron:
Ms. Davila:

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