Friday, May 4, 2018

Kindergarten Newsletter May7-11th

 Thank you to all those who helped out on our Loma Vista Farm fieldtrip. The kids had a ton of fun!!!    
Here’s what’s coming up for next week…    

·        Our theme for next week is Time & Clocks.

·        Our new word wall word is “saw.”  We now know the following words:  I, like, see, a, is, the, can, my, and, have, go, to, has, am, look, are, went, with, up, they, do, but, said, will, come, was, of, there, & would.

·        Spring Pictures are due.  Please complete one of the three options:
-Purchase the entire package
-Purchase the sheets that you want and return the rest
-Return the complete portrait package to school

·        CALLING ALL MOMS!!!!!!  We will have our Annual Mother’s Day Spa on Friday, May 11th.  PLEASE plan to be here for the first 1 ½ hours on Friday, at the start of your child’s day.  (8:30 – 10:00am for AM Kinder & 12:00 – 1:30pm for PM Kinder)  You will be pampered and loved on!!!!  Plan for your nails to be painted and your shoulders to be massaged!  If you are UNable to come, please try to send someone else in your place (ie. grandma, aunt, etc), as we want to make sure every child has a mother or loved-one to pamper. 

   · Lets celebrate the final full week of school with Spirit Days!
Monday May 14th: HAPPY DAY!  Wear Yellow! (or college wear)
Tuesday May 15th:  Dress as your Favorite Book Character
Wednesday May 16th:  Fancy Day/Dapper Day!
Thursday May 17th:  80s Day Be TOTALLY RAD!!!!
Friday May 18th: Show your School Spirit Wear Green and Gray

   · Third Trimester Progress Reports will be sent home next week. Only students performing below grade level will receive a progress report.

   ·  Next Year’s First Grade Classes- The Kindergarten team did their best to create 6 balanced first grade classes for the Fall. Unfortunately, we can’t take teacher  or friend requests. The class lists will be randomly assigned to next year’s first grade teachers.

    ·   To celebrate and thank our moms, bring your mom
         to the MPR from 3:30-5:30 on Friday May 11th for
      Milkshakes with Mom. Desserts will be provided for all!!!

·        Reading & Writing— We only have a few weeks of school left. Please continue to read to and with your child every night. In writing, our goal is to have the kids choose one topic and elaborate on it, really describing it in 3 or more sentences. 

·        Important dates to remember—There are many upcoming dates to remember.  May is here and it is JAM- PACKED, full of activities and dates to remember…

*  May 9th: National Walk/Bike to School Day

* May 11th: Mother’s Day Spa in Kindergarten

 * May 7-11th: Teacher Appreciation Week

* May 17th: Family Math Night 5:00-7:00pm

* May 23rd: Safety Day!

* Friday, May 25th/Monday May 28th: No School 

* June 4th: Father’s Day in Kindergarten

* Wednesday, June 6th– HAWAIIAN DAY IN Kindergarten

Additionally, Room 402 (Ms. Davila & Mrs. Macway) will  have their Slideshow on this day, June 6th right after the kids perform their Hawaiian songs

* Thursday, June 7th: Kindergarten Slideshows for Rooms 401 & 507 ONLY at the beginning of class.

* Friday, June 8th: Last Day of School/Minimum Day 

Thank you again for all that you do at home to support your child’s learning.  We appreciate all that you do!  Please feel free to email with any concerns or questions!  Thank you!!
The Kindergarten Team        
Mrs. Barnes:
Mrs. Barron:
Ms. Davila:
Mrs. Macway:
Mrs. Pravin:

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