Here’s what’s coming up …
· This Wednesday February 7th is our 100th Day of School!!! This is a school wide spirit day. Please have your child come to school dressed as a 100 year old person! Be as creative and fun as you can!
· Our theme for this week is 100th Day and Valentine’s, and our new word wall word is “play”. We know the following High Frequency Words: I, a, like, the, see, is, can, my, and, am, have, go, to, has, you, she, he, said, saw, no, this, up, feel, we, look, are, want, went and play. Please encourage your child to use these words in their writing every day!!!! This is the greatest, most impactful practice you can do at home. Every kindergartener should be able to independently write two sentences with capitals, periods, finger spacing, high frequency words and stretching out sounds phonetically of unknown words by February 28th in order to be at grade level in writing for second trimester report cards. Practicing writing at school and at home daily will have a powerful impact on your child’s writing ability.
Please mark your calendars with the following dates....
There is NO SCHOOL
Monday February 12th (Lincoln’s Birthday)
Monday February 19th (Washington’s Birthday)
Friday March 2nd (Teacher Work Day)
There will be minimum days for Report Card Conferences
March 14th-16th. All students will attend school from 8:15-11:35.
· Valentine’s Day Party- A Signup Genius has been sent out by your child’s teacher. Please let your child’s teacher know if you didn’t receive it. Many items (non-perishables) need to be sent in asap so we can prep for the party. Thank you, thank you THANK YOU!!!
· Parent Valentine to your child – Please get your secret, surprise Valentine card for your child turned into your child’s teacher by this Friday. This is a surprise we will give to them first thing on the day of our party. Please be creative and make it special for them (ie. add photos, stickers, glitter, poems). They will always remember this special valentine card from you! You can send them in a folder or envelope to your child’s teacher as soon as you complete them. Please do NOT send in any gifts or candy with your Parent Valentine card. Thank you!
· Valentine Mailboxes- Please have your child decorate a shoe box or any box of similar size to collect all their Valentines. Help them to make it unique. There are lots of fun, creative ideas on Pinterest and Google. Please make sure their name can be clearly seen on their mailbox. This is where the children will deposit the valentines to your child.
Please do NOT bring them until Wednesday, February 14th the day of our party, not before. Thank you!
· Valentine’s for Classmates-Please make sure to send your child with 28 valentines for their classmates. Have your child sign their name in the “from” section, but just address them to: my friend or leave that area blank. Do NOT put individual names on the valentines. It is not possible for your child to pass out individual valentine’s to specific children. Thank you for your understanding. Please have your child bring his/her valentines ON the day of our party on February 14th, not before.
· Writing—Our writing job for February is to write about sounds they hear. Please have your child write at least two sentences about the sounds they hear. For example, “When I am on the playground I hear birds in the trees. They sing tweet tweet.” (in Kindergarten Writing of course) Pease help your child practice writing at home EVERY DAY!!!
· REMINDER Please be sure that your child returns their book bag in their folder everyday. We cannot send a new book home with them to practice reading if they do not bring their book inside their book bag to reading group. Thank you!
Thank you again for supporting your child’s learning at home. We appreciate all that you do! Please feel free to email with any concerns or questions.
Thank you!!
The Kindergarten Team
Mrs. Barnes:
Mrs. Barron:
Ms. Davila:
Mrs. Ron:
Mrs. Pravin:
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