Here’s what’s coming up …
TONIGHT in the MPR, MCA is hosting a family dance from 5:30-7:30pm
· $5.00 per student (any student enrolled in school – Mundy, Cordelia, GVMS, etc)
· Refreshments available for purchase – pizza, snacks, drinks, etc
Show your school spirit, wear your Mundy Spirit Wear or green & gray!
STEAM Night Thursday March 1st from 5:00-7:00
Join us in the MPR for NEW, hands on stations and
enter the raffle for a chance to win cool STEAM prizes!
One more week to collect Pennies for Patients
with leukemia and lymphoma. Bring your donations and earn a PACK Card!
· Our theme for next week is Dr. Seuss, and our new word wall word
is “do”. We know the following High Frequency Words: I, a, like,
the, see, is, can, my, and, am, have, go, to, has,
you, she, he, said, saw, no, this, up, feel, we, look,
are, want, went, play, up, they, and do. Please encourage
your child to use these words in their writing every day!!!!
This is the greatest, most impactful practice you can do at home.
Every kindergartener should be able to independently write two
sentences with capitals, periods, finger spacing, high frequency words
and stretching out sounds phonetically of unknown words by February
28th in order to meet grade level expectations in writing for second
trimester report cards. Practicing writing at school and at home daily
will have a powerful impact on your child’s writing ability.
is “do”. We know the following High Frequency Words: I, a, like,
the, see, is, can, my, and, am, have, go, to, has,
you, she, he, said, saw, no, this, up, feel, we, look,
are, want, went, play, up, they, and do. Please encourage
your child to use these words in their writing every day!!!!
This is the greatest, most impactful practice you can do at home.
Every kindergartener should be able to independently write two
sentences with capitals, periods, finger spacing, high frequency words
and stretching out sounds phonetically of unknown words by February
28th in order to meet grade level expectations in writing for second
trimester report cards. Practicing writing at school and at home daily
will have a powerful impact on your child’s writing ability.
Please mark your calendars with the following dates....
There is NO SCHOOL Friday March 2nd (Teacher Work Day)
March 1st is STEAM Night in the MPR from 5-7pm
March 8th - Kinder walks to the Cordelia library for a Dr. Seuss story and
a craft. AM K will go from 10-11am. PM K will go from 12-1pm.
March 21st - Kindergarten Field Trip to Imagine That in Vacaville
We will need all of our approved drivers who are available to help us
shuttle the kids up to Vacaville.
AM Kinder will leave at 9am and return by 11:30
PM Kinder will leave at 11:45 and return by 2:15
There will be minimum days for Report Card Conferences
March 1st is STEAM Night in the MPR from 5-7pm
March 8th - Kinder walks to the Cordelia library for a Dr. Seuss story and
a craft. AM K will go from 10-11am. PM K will go from 12-1pm.
March 21st - Kindergarten Field Trip to Imagine That in Vacaville
We will need all of our approved drivers who are available to help us
shuttle the kids up to Vacaville.
AM Kinder will leave at 9am and return by 11:30
PM Kinder will leave at 11:45 and return by 2:15
There will be minimum days for Report Card Conferences
March 14th-16th. All students will attend school from 8:15-11:35.
March 21st - Field Trip to Imagine That in Vacaville
March 21st - Field Trip to Imagine That in Vacaville
NO School March 26th - April 2nd for Spring Break
· Writing—Our writing job for February is to write about sounds they
hear. Please have your child write at least two sentences about the sounds
they hear. For example, “I hear the doorbell ring. It goes ding dong.
Then my dog barks loud. He says woof, woof.” (in Kindergarten Writing of
course) Pease help your child practice writing at home EVERY DAY!!!
hear. Please have your child write at least two sentences about the sounds
they hear. For example, “I hear the doorbell ring. It goes ding dong.
Then my dog barks loud. He says woof, woof.” (in Kindergarten Writing of
course) Pease help your child practice writing at home EVERY DAY!!!
Thank you again for supporting your child’s learning at home.
We appreciate all that you do! Please feel free to email with any concerns
or questions.
We appreciate all that you do! Please feel free to email with any concerns
or questions.
Thank you!!
The Kindergarten Team
Mrs. Barnes:
Mrs. Barron:
Ms. Davila:
Mrs. Ron:
Mrs. Pravin: