you to all those who joined us for the Holiday Fair last Saturday!
The kids were wonderful and adorable! Here’s what’s coming up
for this week…
BINDERS—We have been collecting all of your child’s special art projects and we are putting them into BINDERS. If you have not sent one in yet, please send in a 2in. Binder, LABELED with your child’s NAME on the inside, as soon as possible. The ones with a clear sleeve on the front are the BEST, as we would like to put a special cover page in it. Thank you!!!!
We have sent home information regarding Kids’ Korner, the gift shop set up in our music room for students to purchase little gifts for their family members. Teachers do NOT take the kids. The parent volunteers will be able to help your child while there, but they must be accompanied by an adult, in order to visit.
- Spirit Day Alert!!! Please mark your calendars with the dates below so your child can enjoy participating in the FUN!
- Wednesday the 14th is Festive Wear Fun Day. Wear your fancy holiday clothes, or ugly sweaters, or Christmas T-shirts. Wear red & green or anything you'd like to show your festive spirit.
- Thursday the 15th, is Crazy Hair Day! Try out a new and crazy hairdo and show it off at school!
- The Friday before break, Dec. 16th is Pajama Day! Please come to school in your cozy jammies or comfiest clothes!
- With this cold weather, please make sure that your child’s coat is LABELED!!!!
- Our theme for next week is Holidays Around the World, and we are reviewing our new word wall words. We know the following High Frequency Words: I, a, like, the, see, is, can, my, and, have, go, to, has, you, feel & we. Please encourage your child to use these words in their writing every day!
- Our Writing Job for the month of December is using words that describe how you feel inside, such as happy, sad, nervous, excited...Please encourage these kinds of words in your child's every day writing practice! We don't have many days in which to practice before our show off writing this month, so the more you practice at home, the better and more confident your child will be when doing show off writing!
- Holidays Around the World—We are talking about our family’s special Holiday traditions this month. If you would like to come in to share your family’s special traditions, please let us know.
an amazing winter break. Enjoy the holidays with your families. We
look forward to seeing you back at school on Tuesday January 3, 2017.
Happy New Year!
you again for all that you do at home to support your child’s
learning. We appreciate all that you do! Please feel free to email
with any concerns or questions! Thank you!!
Kindergarten Team
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