Monday, April 25, 2016

Kindergarten Newsletter: April 25th-29th

Here’s what’s coming up for the next week…   

·        Administrator Assistant’s Week, if you would like to thank Miss Danni, Miss Kristin, and Miss Diane in the office for all the multitudes of band-aids, ice packs and love they give to your kids on a daily basis (not to mention all of the grown up office duties in between)!!!

***** NO SCHOOL FRiDAY APRIL 29 th ! *****
Please enjoy your extra day of memories with your child!

·         Our new word wall word is “of.”  We now know the following words:  I, like, see, a, is, the, can, my, you, and, have, go, to, has, am, look, are, saw, went, with, up, we, they, do, but, said, will, were, come, was, & would.

·        Sharing- Next week’s letter/sound is “H”. Practice reading clues independently

Thank you to all the parents that joined us to chaperone/drive on our field trip. We can only do this because of you!  We had a great time and we are looking forward to our next field trip on May 5th to Loma Vista Farm!

·        Explore It! Will be coming to visit us on Thursday to give us an on-site presentation. Be sure to ask your child about it Thursday night!

·        Writing—This month’s writing topic is how things feel when you touch them.  Please have your child practice for writing daily. By now students should be writing at least THREE sentences about how something feels when they touch it.  Our goal is to have the kids choose one topic and elaborate on it, and really describing the experience.  We are encouraging LOTS of writing that all goes together!   THIS is how you will get to that exclusive Rubric 3!!!


Bring the family and come join us for a fun-filled, educational, and active evening to learn about the state and direction of Elementary Physical Education in the Fairfield-Suisun Unified School District. You will be encouraged to participate in activities being utilized by our Physical Educators at the elementary level, including; dance, yoga,
creative movement exercises, agility drills, disc throwing, as well as see how technology is infused into our Physical Education classes. Come represent your school site and support our effort to give the children of Fairfield a positive, and healthy experience. Presented by your PE specialists. We look forward to seeing you there.

When: ​Wednesday, April 27th, 2016: 6:00-8:00PM

Where​: Fairfield High School Gymnasium

What to bring​: Comfortable clothing & shoes, water, and a
“let’s do this” attitude.

***Friday May 6th is our big Mother's Day event that you won't want to miss.  It's a very special treat for all of the moms, or if mom is not available, grandmothers or aunts. AM Kinder moms will want to be her from 8:30-9:30 and PM K moms from 11:45-12:45.

***Tuesday May 31st we will be celebrating our dads for Father's Day.  Same start times as above.  AM K will be from 8:30-9:15 and PM from 11:45-12:30.

For both events, if no one is available to come to school that day, the kids just share their moms or dads with the other students.  It ends up being a great time no matter what.

·        Important dates to remember—There are many upcoming dates to remember.  May comes quickly and is JAM- PACKED full of activities and dates to remember--(some of which do not pertain to Kinder, but we thought you might like to see them anyway)

  • May 2nd-6th: 6th Grade Science Camp 

  • May 4th: Kindergarten Fieldtrip to Cordelia Public Library

  • May 4th: Incoming Kindergarten Orientation

  • May 5th:  Kindergarten Fieldtrip to Loma Vista Farm

  • May 6th: Mother’s Day Spa in Kindergarten ***

  • May 9th-13th: Teacher Appreciation Week 

  • Tuesday, May 24th: Field Day 

  • Friday, May 27th/Monday, May 30th: No School for Memorial Day

  • Wednesday, May 18th: Safety Day

  • Friday, May 20th: Jog-a-Thon

  • May 31st: Father’s Day in Kindergarten ***

  • Tuesday, May 31st: Perfect Attendance Assembly/Honor Roll Assembly

  • Wednesday, June 1st: Kindergarten Hawaiian Day

  • Thursday, June 2nd: Kindergarten Slideshows

  • Thursday, June 2nd: 5th grade Promotion

  • Friday, June 3rd: Last Day of School/Minimum Day 

·        Reading Eggs!!!  Once your child enters the First Grade, you will no longer have this program.  Please continue to log onto Reading Eggs and use it to help reinforce our standards.

·        Typing FUN!  Dance Mat Typing is a very child friendly, FREE, colorful, FUN typing tutor program available online that we have used.    Here is the link to cut & paste…

Thank you again for all that you do at home to support your child’s learning.  We appreciate all that you do!  Please feel free to email with any concerns or questions!  Thank you!!
The Kindergarten Team
Mrs. Barnes:
Mrs. Barron:
Mrs. Ron:
Ms. Davila:

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