Friday, October 9, 2015

Kinder news Oct. 13-16, 2015

Kindergarten Newsletter
October 13th – 16th
Please enjoy a wonderful three-day weekend!  We will see you all on Tuesday!  Here’s to another great week in Kindergarten!

Here’s what’s coming up for this week… 

·        Ms. Davila would like to send out a BIG thank you to all who worked so hard to make her birthday celebration in Kindergarten a special one!  She had a wonderfully sweet day with her class!

·        Be sure that you have returned your Fingerprinting permission slip (FF Police Dept.), as well as your field trip form to Silveyville Pumpkin Patch, including the $7 donation to cover the cost.  Please make your checks out to MCA.

·        You should have received an invite for our Halloween Sign Up Genius.  We hope that you are all able to contribute something to our class parties on Oct. 30th.  If you signed up for a food item, please bring it on the day OF the party.  If you have signed up for anything else, please bring it as soon as you can so that we can inventory all that we have and still need.  THANK YOU!!!  J

·        Often times, the Sign Up Genius link will go to your Spam folders.  If you haven’t received it, but normally do get our weekly newsletters, it may be in your Spam folder.

·        Our Fall Field trip to the Silveyville Pumpkin Patch will be on Monday, Oct. 26th from 9-11AM.  We should be returning to school by 11:35AM.  Please be sure that you have returned your child’s field trip form to school, along with the $7 donation to cover the cost of the field trip.  Remember, if you are planning to drive your own child to the pumpkin patch, you must come to school first, and then SIGN THEM OUT in the front office.  If you would like to volunteer to drive on our trip and haven’t signed up, please see your child’s teacher for the necessary paperwork.

·        If you did not receive the Field Trip Information Sheet that we sent home this week, please ask your child’s teacher for it.  There are so many details that you need to know regarding our trip.

·        Please remember, that because this is a special Kindergarten Field Trip arranged just for our classes, we cannot bring siblings, even if you are driving your own child.  This is a liability issue, and a District-wide policy.  Thank you so much for your understanding and cooperation regarding this issue!!!  J 

·        BINDERS!  We are already starting to collect your child’s special work from Kindergarten, for the end of the year.  If you have not already, please send in a 2 inch binder, with a clear slip sleeve front, labeled WITH your child’s name inside.  Thank you!

·         Our theme this week is BATS & SPIDERS, and our new word wall word is “to.”    NOW, we know the following High Frequency Words: I, a, like, the, see, is, can, my, and, have, go & to.  Please encourage your child to use these words in their writing every day!

·        SHARING this week--- please bring in something that begins with the letter /Ss/.  If your child forgets to bring sharing for the week, please just skip it and send it the following week.  It gets too crazy to try to accommodate those who forgot on the next day!

·        A HEADS UP about the Nelda Mundy Holiday Fair—Our Mundy Holiday Fair will be held on Saturday, Dec. 5 from 10-2.  This is an annual school-wide fundraising event held in the MPR.  Each grade level is responsible for decorating a Christmas tree in a different theme, which will be raffled off.  There are always wonderful gifts and gift cards to be won!  This year, the KINDERGARTEN tree will be a Great Outdoors theme.  We will begin collecting various items and gift cards that will go with our theme, in order to start assembling our tree.  Please be on the lookout for another sign up genius in the next couple weeks that will help us create a super cool tree for this event!

·        Guided Reading Little Books—Thank you for returning these important books back to school every day!  Please understand that we will not be sending more books home if you have not returned one.  Please help your child to remember that they should come back to school every day in their FOLDERS, not backpacks.  We never look in backpacks!

·        Room 401 is very much in need of kid headphones!  If you are able to find and/or donate over-the-head, plastic headphones to our classroom, we would greatly appreciate it!  Thank you so much!

·        EVERY FRIDAY IS SPIRIT DAY! Wear our school colors, GREEN & GRAY!

Thank you again for all that you do at home to support your child’s learning.  We appreciate all that you do!  Please feel free to email with any concerns or questions!  Thank you!!

The Kindergarten Team
Mrs. Barnes:
Mrs. Barron:
Mrs. Ron:
Ms. Davila:

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