5 – 9th
Here’s what’s coming up for the new week…
Our theme for this week is Cinco de Mayo!
Our new word wall word is “there.” We now know the following words: I, like, see, a, is, the, can, my, and,
have, go, to, has, am, look, are, saw, went, with, up, they, do, but, said,
will, come, was, would & there.
Jog –a –Thon Sponsorship forms are DUE
Spring Pictures are
due. Please complete one of the three
-Purchase the entire
-Purchase the sheets
that you want and return the rest
-Return the complete
portrait package
CALLING ALL MOMS!!!!!! We will have our Third
Annual Mother’s Day Spa on Friday, May 8th. PLEASE plan to be here for the first 1 ½
hours on Friday, at the start of your child’s day. (8:30 – 10am for the am session & 12 – 1:30pm for the
afternoon session) You will be
pampered and loved on!!!! Plan for your
nails to be painted and your shoulders to be massaged! If you are UNable to come, please try to
send someone else in your place, as we want to make sure every child has a
mother or loved-one to pamper.
Writing—We are starting a
new writing topic for this month.
Because it’s our last month of Kindergarten, we want everyone to think
about all of the previous writing jobs we’ve had and try to incorporate
DIFFERENT things to write about! We are
encouraging using number words this month!
Our goal is to have the kids choose one topic and elaborate on
it, really describing it.
Important dates to remember—There
are many upcoming dates to remember.
May comes quickly and is JAM- PACKED, full of activities and dates to
May 5th-9th: 6th Grade Science Camp
May 11th-15th: Teacher Appreciation /College Week
Friday, May 15th: Volunteer Breakfast
Friday, May 22rd/Monday May 25th:
No School
Friday, May 30th: Jog-a-Thon
: Hawaiian Day in Kindergarten
28th: Field
day for the rest of Mundy
29th: Jog-a-Thon
1st: Father’s Day in
2nd: Kindergarten
Slideshows at the beginning of class AND 6th grade graduation at 6PM
June 3rd: Safety Day all day
June 4th – HAWAIIAN DAY IN Kindergarten
Wednesday, June 4th: Perfect Attendance Assembly
Thursday, June 4th: Last Day/Minimum Day Field
day in Kindergarten
Reading Eggs!!! Once your child enters the First Grade, you will no longer have
this program. Please continue
to log onto Reading Eggs and use it to help reinforce our standards.
Thank you again
for all that you do at home to support your child’s learning. We appreciate all that you do! Please feel free to email with any concerns
or questions! Thank you!!
The Kindergarten
Mrs. Barnes:
Mrs. Barron:
Mrs. Ron:
Ms. Davila:
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