Monday, April 20, 2015

Kinder Newsletter 4/20-24

Kindergarten Newsletter
April 20th – 24th   

Happy Earth Week everyone!  We hope you all enjoyed a nice and relaxing long weekend with your families. 

Here’s what’s coming up for the new week…    

·        Wednesday the 22nd is Administrator Assistant’s Day, if you would like to thank Miss Danni, Miss Kristin, Miss Rosa, and Miss Diane in the office for all the multitudes of band-aids, ice packs and love they give to your kids on a daily basis (not to mention all of the grown up office duties in between)!!!
·        Our theme for this week is Earth Day!  Our new word wall word is “would.”  We now know the following words:  I, like, see, a, is, the, can, my, and, have, go, to, has, am, look, are, saw, went, with, up, they, do, but, said, will, come, was, were & would.

Cash 4 Class
Monday April 20th is the last day to turn in receipts from the Solano Mall. Please turn in any receipts you have. We are currently in first place. If we win the contest, we will use the gift cards as prizes for perfect attendance. If you would like the receipts returned to you, please put your name and your child's room number on them. Thank you!

Family Literacy Night
Reminder: Family Literacy Night is April 30, 2015 from 5-7 PM.  It is an opportunity to have parents come out and see how we’re working to update our collection (avg age 18) and see the new New York Times Best Sellers for Kids collection.  

Please join us at Mundy from 3-7PM on May 1 for a fun-filled family afternoon of good old fashioned games, food and fun.  Purchase tickets for snow cones, dunk tank, go fishing, boat races, music and more!  Picnic or plan a dinner one the food truck offerings.  Can't wait to see you there!

·        Writing—We are concluding our topic of how things feel when you touch them.  Please have your child practice for SHOW-OFF writing this week and write at least THREE sentences about how something feels when they touch it.  Our goal is to have the kids choose one topic and elaborate on it, and really describing the experience.  We are encouraging LOTS of writing that all goes together!   THIS is how they will get to that elusive Rubric 3!!!!!

  • Important dates to remember—There are many upcoming dates to remember.  May comes quickly and is JAM- PACKED full of activities and dates to remember--(some of which do not pertain to Kinder, but we thought you might like to see them anyway.

·        Reading Eggs!!!  Once your child enters the First Grade, you will no longer have this program.  Please continue to log onto Reading Eggs and use it daily to help reinforce our standards.

·        Typing FUN!  Dance Mat Typing is a very child friendly, FREE, colorful, FUN typing tutor program available online that we have used.    Here is the link to cut & paste…

Thank you again for all that you do at home to support your child’s learning.  We appreciate all that you do!  Please feel free to email with any concerns or questions!  Thank you!!
The Kindergarten Team
Mrs. Barnes:
Mrs. Barron:
Mrs. Ron:
Ms. Davila:

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