Thursday, March 5, 2015

Kindergarten news March 9-13th

Kindergarten Newsletter
March 9th – 13th    

Thank you to all of those who came out with us to the public library last week!  The afternoon friends made it in the Daily Republic!  How cute!  Check it out!!!
Here’s what’s coming up for this week…    

·        Report Cards are coming home today!  Please look for them in your child’s folder!!  For this trimester, all students who are working ON grade level will NOT be required to have a parent conference.  If your child does need a parent conference, your child’s teacher will inform you and schedule it for this week. 

·        If you did NOT receive a report card, you should have been notified by your child’s teacher regarding a parent conference.  Feel free to email if you are not sure!!!

·        THIS week, Wednesday, Thursday & Friday are minimum days for the entire school to accommodate for Parent Conferences.  All Kindergarteners will attend school from 8:15 – 11:35am.  Wed. is our usual Wacky Wednesday schedule. 

·        Our theme for this week is frogs.  Our new word wall word is “but.”  We now know the following words:  I, like, see, a, is, the, can, my, and, have, go, to, has, am, look, are, saw, went, with, up, they, do & but.

·        Leprechaun Trap homework—These are due to us by March 17th, St. Patrick’s Day.  We will be setting up their traps ON St. Patrick’s Day to see if we can catch a leprechaun!!!  Please feel free to be as creative as you’d like OR as simple as you’d like!  There are lots of ideas if you google it or look on Pinterest.  

  • Yearbooks can be purchased online only on or before Friday, March 27th.  Every year there are always children unable to purchase yearbooks once they arrive due to the limited number that we print beyond the pre-orders.  There are over 230 kids in the 5th and 6th grade with their last year at Mundy so please remember to pre-order to be sure your child is not left out.

    enter yearbook ID number: 10276915

·        WEEKLY HOMEWORK—Please have your child complete 1-2 pages each night, and complete the writing assignment. 

·        Writing—For the month of March, we are talking and writing about how things taste.  Please have your child write at least two sentences about something you eat at home, school or out on the town, and write about what it tastes like.  Our goal now is to have the kids choose one topic and elaborate on it, and really describing the experience.  “Today my mom took me out for frozen yogurt.  I picked vanilla frozen yogurt with blueberries on top.  The frozen yogurt tasted cold and soft in my mouth.  The blueberries squirted juice when I ate them.”  (in Kindergarten writing of course)  We are encouraging LOTS of detailed writing that all goes together!  

·        REMINDER Please be sure that your child returns their book bag in their folder everyday.  Thank you!!

  • and finally, a desperate PLEA from the First Grade teachers....If there are any parents out there that would like to help make costumes for their yearly first grade play that's coming up, please let us know and we will put you in contact with them!

Thank you again for all that you do at home to support your child’s learning.  We appreciate all that you do!  Please feel free to email with any concerns or questions!  Thank you!!
The Kindergarten Team
Mrs. Barnes:
Mrs. Barron:
Mrs. Ron:
Ms. Davila:

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