Tuesday, February 10, 2015

newsletter Feb. 10-13th

Kindergarten Newsletter
February 10-13th  

I wanted to send a HUGE thank you to all of those who contributed in making my birthday a fantastic and special day!  I absolutely LOVED the waffle bar, the jammy day, all of the special homemade cards, pictures, decorations, flowers and certainly, the gift card to my favorite store in the WORLD!!!  Kindergarten is ALWAYS a wonderful place to spend my birthday every year!!   Thank you for making me feel so special and blessed!!!!
Here’s what’s coming up for this week…    

·      Please send in ALL supplies for the Valentine’s Day party ASAP (except for perishable food items) so that we can inventory and figure out what we still need!  If you have not signed up to donate, it’s NOT too late!  There are still empty slots on the sign up!!!! Please let your teacher know if you have not received the sign up genius. 

·        PARENT Valentine HOMEWORK!!!!!!!!    Please send your valentines to school no later than Feb. 12th.   We would hate to have any child left out, so please be sure to get those in by Thursday. Thank you and have fun creating!! We will be presenting these to your child on Friday, so if you would like to be here for that, feel free to come in! 

·        Student valentines & valentine boxes---please send these into school on Friday, the 13th.  Please help your child to bring in 32 valentines signed, “From ________.” 

·        ALL are welcome at our Valentine’s Day party, but please reserve the party craft supplies for the Kinders!  Please come in and enjoy the day with your child!

·        Our theme for this week is Valentine’s Day, and our new word wall word this week is “up.”  We now know the following words:  I, like, see, a, is, the, can, my, and, have, go, to, has, am, look, are, saw, went, with & up.

·        No school on Monday, Feb. 16th AND no school for STUDENTS on Friday, Feb. 27th.

·        WEEKLY HOMEWORK—Please have your child complete 1-2 pages per day.  Please help and encourage your child to USE THE LINES when writing words and to write 2-3 sentences on only one topic.  Have your child complete their work in their very best handwriting, USING CORRECT LETTER FORMATION, as this is a very important skill for Kindergarten.

·        Writing—Our writing job is the same all month.  We are NOW writing using SOUND words.  Please have your child write at least two sentences about the sounds you hear from your favorite animal.  “My dog is very noisy at home.  When someone comes to the door and rings the doorbell, I hear WOOF WOOF!!!”

·        READING books—We are currently doing report card assessments and our reading groups are on hiatus for the time being.  Please continue to read with your child every night.

Thank you again for all that you do at home to support your child’s learning.  We appreciate all that you do!  Please feel free to email with any concerns or questions!  Thank you!!
The Kindergarten Team
Mrs. Barnes:  sarahba@fsusd.org
Mrs. Barron:  erinba@fsusd.org
Mrs. Ron:  kimr@fsusd.org
Ms. Davila:  theresad@fsusd.org

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