Welcome to Kindergarten!!!
We'd like to welcome all of our families to a new year! We are so excited to meet all of you! There are a few things that we need you to know about the first day/week...
1. AM K attends from school 8:15 - 11:35 and PM attends 10:55-2:15. Please enter through the gate on the Kindergarten playground. Pick up will be from the front door of room 401 & 402. Mrs. Pravin’s class will release from the MPR.
2. Please send your child to school with a small, healthy snack every day. We do not provide snack. Please send water only. Please do not send any juice or Capri Suns.
3. Please always stay in your car if you are dropping off in front of the school. NEVER get out of your car, or leave your car unattended at the yellow drop off curb in front of Kindergarten. This applies to picking up as well. Stay in your car.
4. On the first day of school you are welcome to accompany your child into the classroom for first 15-20 minutes, helping them to find their cubbies and seats. There will be an activity to complete at your child’s seat. We will wave goodbye shortly thereafter. At that time, please make a quick, happy exit in order to help the students feel calm and confident and avoid increasing anxieties.
5. Supply bins will be outside in the kindergarten playground for any donations. Please leave your supplies in the appropriate bin. Thank you for your donations. We truly appreciate them. THANK YOU!
6. Your child will need a plastic folder, labeled with their name, that will be used daily.
Every morning your child will need to place their folder in the Homework Bin on the bench in front of their classroom AND they will also need to move their name to Present on the attendance board. In order for your child to establish this daily routine, please encourage them to do this on their own every day, including the first day. Please do not do it for them. Once your child has moved their name and turned in their folder they can leave their backpack by the classroom and play on the playground until it is time to line up. AM K will bring their backpacks inside and place them in their cubbies. PM K will leave their backpacks outside and bring them in later after snack recess.
7. Please make sure to label all personal items for your child, such as jackets, lunchboxes and water bottles. Donated supplies will be shared and do not need to be labeled.
8. At the end of your child's day, your teacher will be dismissing each student, one by one, so that we can become familiar with each child's parent/caregiver. Please be patient, as this is important and will take a few extra minutes. Please plan to park in the lot or neighborhood, as you are never allowed to leave your car unattended at the curb, even to pick up. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation with our crazy traffic!
If you are not receiving our emails, please email your child’s teacher to be added to our lists.
Mrs. Barnes: sarahba@fsusd.org
Mrs. Barron: erinba@fsusd.org
Ms. Davila: theresad@fsusd.org
Mrs. Ron: kimr@fsusd.org
Mrs. Pravin: sheetalp@fsusd.org
We are very excited to see you tomorrow morning and begin our new year! Kindergarten is a special adventure. Our goal is for your child to LOVE Kindergarten as much as we do.
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