DONATIONS!!!! Thank you to all who have donated to our school supplies! Kindergarteners need lots of supplies and with your help, we are hoping to have plenty to last for a long time!
Here’s what’s coming up for this week…
- ·Upcoming Important Dates~~ Tuesday August 29th is Back to School Night. TK-2nd grd. Will be held from 6:30 - 7:45PM and 3rd–5th grade is from 5:00-6:15PM. Please meet in the MPR at 6:30 for a brief talk with our awesome administrators, Mr. Kubiak and Ms. McCormick, followed by the classroom overview with your child’s teacher. There will be paperwork for you to take home on your child’s desk. Please take a peek at their Pete the Cat art on the wall and their rainbow book. These art projects are good assessments of both your child’s ability to listen to and follow directions, as well as an assessment of their fine motor skills (ability to cut, color and write). Please practice cutting and writing names every day. Thank you!
- Parent Volunteers~ We can’t wait to have your help in the classroom! A sign-up sheet for Parent Volunteers will be out in your child’s classroom at Back to School Night. If you are interested in volunteering in our classroom this year or chaperoning a field trip, you will need to be fingerprinted with the school district. You can get this process started early by calling the District Office and scheduling an appointment to be fingerprinted. You will need to call Debbie at 399-5078
- Please try to be waiting outside our door by 11:35 for AM K pick up and by 2:15 for PM K pick-up to ensure the safety of your child, We always instruct your children to always stay with us until we see their grown up. Please talk with your child to help us reinforce that rule. Being SAFE is always our number one rule. Thank you for your support!
- Library check out- This will begin next week! Each child will be allowed to check out one library book each week. Please read it and return it to your library book return bucket (will be outside the classroom doors) BEFORE the next library check out day.
- STARFALL is an awesome, free web site. Please log on to and have your child practice their letter names, letter sounds and early reading skills.
- Thank you for NOT sending juice to school. For sanitary reasons, water is the only beverage allowed at school. Thank you for your cooperation.
- PLEASE make sure that we have your email address. If we don’t, you will not know what’s going on!
- Homework- Please remember that we have moved to a NO homework policy this year. We would rather you spend quality time reading and doing other fun activities with your child after school. HOWEVER, we still encourage you to work on letter names, sounds and high frequency words with your child every day.
- Centers- we have started real deal centers! We move around to four different centers each day, using or folders to collect our work at each table. What comes home should be MOSTLY complete. If your child’s center work is not complete, you can always have them complete it at home for extra practice but it doesn’t need to come back to school. THANK YOU!
- Folders~~ folders go back and forth to school EVERY DAY. Please encourage your child to put their folder in the bucket every day, as well as check in for attendance. Thank you for not doing it for them, so that they will learn the routine. We are trying to encourage independence!
Please be sure that EVERYTHING you bring to school is LABELED with your name!!!!
- Please have your child use the BATHROOM BEFORE school every day.
- SNACK~~ please send your child to school every day with a snack. We do not provide snack for your child.
- We have severe peanut allergies in Kindergarten every year. Please NO NUTS at snack time.
- Paperwork~~ If you have not returned the paperwork from the first week of school, please do so NOW.
Thank you again for all that you do at home to support your child’s learning. We appreciate all that you do! Please feel free to email with any concerns or questions! Thank you!!
The Kindergarten Team
Theresa Davila and Kim Ron