Here’s what’s coming up for next week…
Our theme for next week is Eric Carle and Time/Clocks.
Our new word wall word is “of”.
We now know the following words:
I, like, see, a, is, the, can, my, and, have, go, to, has, am, look,
are, saw, went, with, up, they, do, but, said, will, come, was, would &
Spring Pictures are due.
Please complete one of the three options:
-Purchase the entire
-Purchase the sheets
that you want and return the rest
-Return the complete
portrait package
© CALLING ALL MOMS!!!!!! We will have
our Annual Mother’s Day Spa on Friday, May 12th. PLEASE plan to be here for the first 1½
hours on Friday, at the start of your child’s day. (8:15-9:30 a.m for AM Kinder & 11:45– 12:45 p.m for PM
Kinder) You will be pampered and
loved on!!!! Plan for your nails to be
painted and your shoulders to be massaged!
If you are UNable to come, please try to send someone else in your place
(ie. grandma, aunt, etc.), as we want to make sure every child has a mother or
loved-one to pamper.
Bandaids are needed in kindergarten. We use them up very
quickly. If you can donate a box, we would appreciate it. Thank you.
Third Trimester Progress Reports will be sent home next week. Only
students performing below grade level will receive a progress report. Please be
sure to read the end of this newsletter where we have outlined what is expected
of your child by the end of kindergarten.
Writing—We are starting a new writing topic for this
month. Because it’s our last month of
Kindergarten, we want everyone to think about all of the previous writing jobs
we’ve had and try to incorporate DIFFERENT things to write about! We are encouraging using number words this
month! Our goal is to have the kids
choose one topic and elaborate on it, really describing it in detail
with at LEAST 3 complete sentences.
Practice, practice, practice!!!!
Important dates to remember—There are many upcoming
dates to remember. May is JAM- PACKED,
full of activities and dates to remember…
May 12th: Mother’s Day Spa in
· May 12th: Principal’s Movie Night 5-7pm
· May 8-12th: Teacher Appreciation
May 22nd: Running Club awards
24th: Safety Day
25th: Jog-a-Thon
May 26th & May 29th:
No School for Memorial Day Weekend
June 2nd: Father’s Day in Kindergarten
June 7th: Honor Roll/Perfect Attendance Assembly
7th – HAWAIIAN DAY IN Kindergarten
- June 8th:
Kindergarten Slideshows at the beginning
of class
- June 9th: Last Day of School/Minimum Day
for ALL Kindergarteners (11:35a.m
- Reading
Eggs!!! Once your child enters the
First Grade, you will no longer have this program. Please continue
to log onto Reading Eggs at least 3x a week and use it to help reinforce
our standards.
FUN! Dance Mat Typing is a very child friendly, FREE, colorful,
FUN typing tutor program available online that we have used. Here is the link to cut & paste…
End of Kindergarten Standards to be considered ON grade
Third Trimester PROGRESS REPORTS are going home
next week. These are
meant to give you a general overview of how your kindergartener is doing right
now. The next formal assessment will be report cards in June.
- In order to be ON grade level in
child needs to have ALL of the following: at least 49-53 letter names
(upper and lower case), 20-26 letter sounds, and at least 25-30 high
frequency/sight words. If s/he is performing below what is expected at
this time, s/he will receive an “N” in that subject area.
- In order to be ON grade level in MATH, your child needs to be able to
identify out of order all numbers to 20, count in order to 100, and write
numbers in order to at least 20. If s/he is performing below what is
expected at this time, s/he will receive an “N” in that area.
- In HANDWRITING, your child needs to properly hold a
pencil (pinch grip near the tip) and form all letters neatly &
correctly from the top down. PRACTICE! PRACTICE!
- In WRITING and CONVENTIONS, although this very important area
isn’t on the progress report, it IS on the report card. Practice in this
area needs to happen everyday!!! In order for your child to receive an “S”
in these areas, s/he must be writing…
- from left to right with two finger spaces
between each word
- uppercase letter only at the
beginning of each sentence; lowercase letters throughout the rest of the
- spelling ALL word wall words
- stretching out the beginning, middle,
and end sounds of all other words
- writing AT LEAST 3 sentences
on ONE topic that make sense
understand that an “N” means s/he needs growth and has not YET mastered that
skill. It is an indicator of what you can be working on at home with your
NOW is crunch
time!!! Your child needs to know: ALL 54 letter names (upper and lower case, as
well as fancy “g and a”), ALL 30 letter sounds (plus ch, sh, th,
and wh), ALL 50 high frequency words, count aloud to 100 (by ones & tens),
and write numbers in order to 20 within the next few weeks.
PLEASE help your
child get a jump on meeting all of these end of the year standards!
Thank you again
for all that you do at home to support your child’s learning. We appreciate all that you do! Please feel free to email with any concerns
or questions! Thank you!!
The Kindergarten
Mrs. Barnes:
Mrs. Barron:
Mrs. Ron:
Ms. Davila:
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