10th – 14th
Here’s what’s coming up for next week…
Guided Reading Little Books—We
began sending home your child’s guided reading books several days a week. They
go home in a labeled Ziploc bag. These are the
instructional books that your child is reading in small group every day. These books are a very important part of our
Reading Program, and cannot be replaced.
PLEASE have your child read it many times, and return it to school in
the Ziploc bag provided. PLEASE put the bag IN the folder.
Our theme this week
is BATS & SPIDERS, and our new word wall word is “to.” NOW, we know the following High
Frequency Words: I, a, like, the, see, is, can, my, and, go &
to. Please encourage your child
to use these words in their writing every day
AUCTION is almost here! Friday October 14th
is sure to be a great evening! If you have not yet purchased your tickets but
would like to go please go to the office. There are a FEW left.
Royal Dance Performance-Our
students have been working very hard while having tons of fun. Mon-Thurs we
will continue to have PM Kindergarten picked up at the Multipurpose room doors.
FRIDAY OCTOBER 14 the AM Kindergarten will perform their dance at 9:15 AM on
the back playground of the school. PM Kindergarten will have their turn at 1:15
in Multi purpose Room.
Coins for Critters-October 6-14th
We are starting our annual coin drive for
the Suisun Wildlife Center. They are a wonderful organization that takes care
of injured wildlife and they are right here in our own community! If we earn
enough money, they will bring us two Wildlife Assemblies on October 25th[owls,
snakes, opossums]. This is a great opportunity for our students to learn more
about the animals and their habitats. Please send your child with any coins you
can donate. I have included a link with more information about what they do for
our wildlife. Thank you for your support for this worthy cause!
Holiday Fair—Our
Mundy Holiday Fair will be held on Saturday, Dec. 3rd. Please mark
your calendars. It is always a fantastic event! More information will be coming
our school colors, GREEN & GRAY, OR wear Nelda Mundy spirit wear that
can be purchased on line. Please
show school spirit!
going home Tuesday. These are meant to give
you a general overview of how your kindergartener is doing right now. The
next formal assessment will be the report card/parent conference in November.
In order to be ON grade level in READING, your
child needs to have ALL of the following: at least 12- 17
letter names, 5-8 letter sounds and at least 3 high
frequency words. If he/she is performing at all below, that will explain
the N in that subject.
In order to be ON grade level in MATH, your
child needs to be able to count and identify (out of order) all numbers to 10,
Please understand that an “N” means that s/he
needs growth and has not YET mastered that skill. It is an
indicator of what you can be working on at home with your child.
More than likely, your child received an N
or P in writing and conventions. This means that
we are all working diligently every day on handwriting, forming our letters
correctly. Very few students have mastered this at this point in the
Our “show off” writing is also coming
home. Our grading scale follows a 0 – 3 scoring system.
In order to receive a “3” in writing, your child
must include…
1 complete sentence
that makes sense
o left
to right, using finger spaces between words
uppercase letter at the beginning, lowercase
throughout the rest of the word or sentence
spelling all word wall words correctly
stretching out unfamiliar words
a period at the end of the sentence
Please note…most children have barely
begun to write words, not to mention a complete sentence. This is what we
are working on every day. Therefore, most children received a “2”, which
is perfectly ok! As the year progresses, students will be expected to
write 2 (in March) and 3 sentences by the end of the school year in May.
Daily practice WILL make a world of difference! Thank you for your
support and reinforcement of our standards from home. Like always, feel
free to email your teacher with any questions or concerns.
Thank you again for all that you do at home to
support your child’s learning. We
appreciate all that you do! Please feel
free to email with any concerns or questions!
Thank you!!
The Kindergarten Team
Mrs. Barnes:
Mrs. Barron:
Mrs. Ron:
Ms. Davila:
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