Monday, October 31, 2016

Kinder News Oct. 31st - Nov. 4th

Kindergarten Newsletter
October 31st – November 4th

We’d like to send you ALL a very BIG THANK YOU for helping us to make our Halloween parties so much fun!  Your generosity and helpfulness is very much appreciated!!!!!

Here’s what’s coming up for this week… 
·        PJ/Comfy Clothes Day is TOMORROW!!!! 

·        There is NO SCHOOL for all students this Friday, the 4th.

·        We are now collecting the supplies for the Holiday Tree.  Please see the sign up link if you have not yet signed up

·        A sign up genius will be emailed soon so that you can sign up for student/ teacher/ parent conferences!!  Can’t believe it’s that time already!

·        TURKEYS in DISGUISE!!!!!  Please help your child to transform their turkeys in disguise, and turn them in as soon as you finish them.  These are going up on our walls, and we would love for them all to be special and creative and fun.  Please help your child to add special details, such as fabric, scrapbook paper, glitter, or any other details to really disguise those turkeys.  PLEASE NO FOOD!

·        Please cut your turkeys OUT!  Thank you!

·        Upcoming Dates to be aware of----

o      Nov. 4th –no school for students
o      Nov. 10th—Family STEAM night
o      Nov. 11th is Veteran’s Day--no school.
o      Nov. 14 – 18th—MINIMUM days for ALL students.  All students attend school from 8:15 – 11:35AM **Dismissal every day will be crazy with the WHOLE school dismissing at the same time!  Please be on time to pick up your Kindergartener.  Be prepared for a crazy week! 
o      Nov. 21st - 25th-- Thanksgiving Break

·         Our theme this week is Leaves & Scarecrows, and our new word wall word is “has”.   We know the following High Frequency Words: I, a, like, the, see, is, can, my, and, have, go, to, & has.  Please encourage your child to use these words in their writing every day!

  • Writing—we have covered the following topics/words in our monthly writing—color words & size and shape words.  Our NEW writing job this month is to include FAMILY words, such as mom, dad, brother, sister, cousin, etc.  Please try to practice writing sentences using these words every day.  The kids will have less days this month in which to practice for show-off writing, so the more you can help at home, the better they will do!

·        Guided Reading Little BooksOur goal is to start sending these home again this week.  They will NOT come home, however, during the week of minimum days.  Thank you for returning these each day.

·        Please do NOT send your child’s little reading book back without the Ziploc bag.  This is our way of monitoring who has returned their books.

Thank you again for all that you do at home to support your child’s learning.  We appreciate all that you do!  Please feel free to email with any concerns or questions!  Thank you!!
The Kindergarten Team
Mrs. Barnes:
Mrs. Barron:
Mrs. Ron:
Ms. Davila:

Friday, October 21, 2016

October 24-28th Newsletter

Kindergarten Newsletter
October 24th - 28th 

^Picture Day Make-ups will be on Thursday, Oct. 27th       

Here’s what’s coming up for this week… 

·        Sharing is starting this week!!!  Your child will come home with a metal paint can with the instructions about sharing on the inside lid.  Please help your child to choose something that he/she would like to share, following the rules in the can, help your child to write three clues about the item, put the item in the can and bring it to school.  It must fit in the can!  Your child will get to read the clues and share their item the next day.  The goal of sharing is to practice writing three clues, and to speak loudly in front of peers in order to share their item.  Sharing is an important skill in Kindergarten.  Please help your child to participate!  There is no schedule.  We will simply start at the top of our list, and send the can home the next day with the next child.  

·        Next week is RED RIBBON SPIRIT WEEK, with the exception of Wednesday and Friday in Kindergarten, due to our field trips.  Please try to participate for each day of the week.  It’s so much more fun when we all join in on the fun!

o      Monday 10/24—Boots Day—“Give drugs the boot” and wear boots to school.
o      Tuesday 10/25—Shades Day—“My future is so bright, I gotta wear shades!”
o      Wednesday 10/26—wear Red for Red Ribbon Week, but this is our field trip to Silveyville, so please be sure your child is wearing appropriate clothes & closed toed shoes for the farm.
o      Thursday 10/27—Sock Day—“Sock it to drugs” and wear crazy socks!
o      Friday 10/28—Mundy Spirit wear—but this is our field trip to the Senior center for trick or treating, so we will be dressed in costumes!

·        We are now iPad friendly in Kindergarten!  Our ipads are up and running, and we are using them as a center, several days a week.  We are currently using Reading Raven, a district suggested app, as well as Starfall, a free website that teaches letter names, sounds, word families and other fun activities.  Check them out at home!  

·        Our Halloween Party is fast approaching!  Thank you for your donations to our parties!  If you did not receive the Sign up, please ask your teacher.  We had some challenges with them this year!  If you have signed up for non-perishable items, please bring them in ASAP.  We would like to have inventory of all that we have and all that we still need.  If you are donating a fresh food item, please bring it on Halloween.  THANK YOU!

·        Here’s what to expect on Halloween at Nelda Mundy…
o      Kindergarteners come to school dressed in costume—please no weapons of any kind!!
o      The AM classes will “parade” through the school in the classrooms of the big kids.  Parents are welcome to join us!
o      Parties will happen immediately after that “parade.”
o      Afternoon kids come to school and will participate in the “School-Wide Parade” around the park, beginning at 12:45.
o      The PM party will begin at the start of the kids’ day, and continue after the parade.  It’s an ALL DAY event!J

·        PJ Day is coming!  We will ALL be exhausted after our day of festivities on Monday and Monday night.  Sooooo….Tuesday, Nov. 1st will be pajama day at Mundy!  Please wear real shoes!

·        Our theme next week is Halloween, and our new Word Wall Word is “have.”    NOW, we know the following High Frequency Words:  I,  a,  like, the, see, is, can, my, and, go, to & have.  Please encourage your child to use these words in their writing every day!

·        Holiday Tree Sign up Genius—The MCA has begun preparations for the Annual Mundy Holiday Fair, coming up on Saturday, December 3rd.  It’s an annual fundraiser for our school, where each grade level creates an ornamental tree with different themed “prizes” on it, to be raffled off.  It’s a fun event!  We are now starting to collect the prizes that will go on our tree, which is an “Advent” themed tree.  The sign up Genius has gone out to all Kinder families, in hopes to have as many people sign up to donate as possible.  Here’s the link…  THANK YOU for your donations!!!!!

·        Please note:  We do NOT look through kids’ backpacks, so if there is something that needs to come to us, such as Halloween supplies, please have your child hand it to us at drop off.  If homework or guided reading books are at the bottom of a backpack, we will NOT see it.  Thank you for remembering this! 

·        Guided Reading Little BooksJust a friendly reminder that we won’t always send a new book each day.  Sometimes we are doing testing, and can’t get to reading groups each day.  But when we DO send books home, thank you for returning them in your child’s folder, every day!

Thank you again for all that you do at home to support your child’s learning.  We appreciate all that you do!  Please feel free to email with any concerns or questions!  Thank you!!

The Kindergarten Team
Mrs. Barnes:
Mrs. Barron:
Mrs. Ron:
Ms. Davila:

Friday, October 14, 2016

Kinder news Oct. 17 - 21

Kindergarten Newsletter
October 17th – 21st

The month of October is flying by!  We were so happy to see all of our parents in the MPR for our Royal Dance!  The kids did such a great job!  Also, thank you to our thoughtful parents who have decorated our doors so creatively!  Here’s what’s coming up for this week… 

·        Coins for Critters—in years past, our school has raised over $1000 for the injured and rehabilitated animals at the Suisun Wildlife Center!  This year, the word isn’t spreading, and we have only collected a little over $100.  If you are willing and able, please consider helping your child to bring in some coins for this very important LOCAL organization.  If we raise enough, we will receive a really cool assembly from them!

·       The 40th Annual Doug Butt Run will take place on Wed.Oct. 19, at Laurel Creek Park (1050 Cement Hill, Fairfield, CA).  The event is free and is open to K-8th graders.  The first race begins at 3:30 pm for K-1 girls.  Races are spaced five minutes apart, girls before boys and grouped by grade levels.  Race distances vary from 1/2 mile to 1 mile.  Following is the link for registration and details associated with each group's race:   

The school that sends the greatest number of participants to the run will be recognized.  We will earn our school name on a race plaque and hold the honor of keeping the award on site until next year's race.  Let's get out there and run!!!

Thank you,
Casey Casas
·        Nelda Mundy Physical Educator


o      Our trip to the Silveyville Pumpkin Patch is coming up on Oct. 26th from 8:15 – 11:35AM. All classes will be attending together.  There will be NO PM kinder that day. 
o      If you are UNable to donate $7 to cover the cost of our trip, please let your teacher know.  In order to attend multiple field trips throughout the school year, we are depending on your donations.  Thank you!
o      Please send your child to school with a labeled booster seat that will be returned the same day.
o      We ask that you please do not bring siblings, as this complicates things.
o      You MUST bring your child to school on that day, even if you are driving your own child to the field trip.  Otherwise, s/he WILL BE MARKED ABSENT.
o      In addition, your field trip permission slip must be turned in now, in order for your child to go.  If one or more sections are incomplete, they have been returned to you, including the BACK.  We must have all parts filled out!  THANK YOU!

·        You should have received a sign up genius list for our Halloween parties.  Each class will have identical parties, but we will each be collecting our own supplies. We have already begun collecting these items!  If you didn’t receive it, you might need to check your SPAM folder, as those sign ups end up in those folders sometimes.  If you haven’t received the sign up, please let your teacher know.

·        Thank you for your donations to our parties!  If you have anything non-perishable, please bring it now.  Any perishable foods should come on Monday, Oct. 31st

·         Our theme this week is Monsters, and we are reviewing our word wall words.    NOW, we know the following High Frequency Words: I, a, like, the, see, is, can, my, and, have, go & to.  Please encourage your child to use these words in their writing every day!!

·        Guided Reading Little BooksJust a friendly reminder that we won’t always send a new book each day.  Some days, we are doing testing or special whole class projects, and can’t get to reading groups.  When we DO send books home, thank you for returning them every day in your child’s folder!

·        Classroom volunteers—Please help us to keep the noise level down in our classroom during center time!  While assisting the kiddos with their centers, please remind & encourage them to do their work with as little talking as possible!  We are trying to get these guys ready for independent center work in the first grade!  The more practice, the better!!!  Thank you!

·        EVERY FRIDAY IS SPIRIT DAY! Wear our school colors, GREEN & GRAY!

Thank you again for all that you do at home to support your child’s learning.  We appreciate all that you do!  Please feel free to email with any concerns or questions!  Thank you!!

The Kindergarten Team
Mrs. Barnes:
Mrs. Barron:
Mrs. Ron:
Ms. Davila:

Friday, October 7, 2016

Kindergarten News October 10-14 2016

Kindergarten Newsletter
October 10th – 14th


Here’s what’s coming up for next week… 

·        Guided Reading Little Books—We began sending home your child’s guided reading books several days a week. They go home in a labeled Ziploc bag. These are the instructional books that your child is reading in small group every day.  These books are a very important part of our Reading Program, and cannot be replaced.  PLEASE have your child read it many times, and return it to school in the Ziploc bag provided. PLEASE put the bag IN the folder.

·        Our theme this week is BATS & SPIDERS, and our new word wall word is “to.”    NOW, we know the following High Frequency Words: I, a, like, the, see, is, can, my, and, go & to.  Please encourage your child to use these words in their writing every day

·        Our AUCTION is almost here! Friday October 14th is sure to be a great evening! If you have not yet purchased your tickets but would like to go please go to the office. There are a FEW left.

·        Royal Dance Performance-Our students have been working very hard while having tons of fun. Mon-Thurs we will continue to have PM Kindergarten picked up at the Multipurpose room doors. FRIDAY OCTOBER 14 the AM Kindergarten will perform their dance at 9:15 AM on the back playground of the school. PM Kindergarten will have their turn at 1:15 in Multi purpose Room.

·       Coins for Critters-October 6-14th We are starting our annual coin drive for the Suisun Wildlife Center. They are a wonderful organization that takes care of injured wildlife and they are right here in our own community! If we earn enough money, they will bring us two Wildlife Assemblies on October 25th[owls, snakes, opossums]. This is a great opportunity for our students to learn more about the animals and their habitats. Please send your child with any coins you can donate. I have included a link with more information about what they do for our wildlife. Thank you for your support for this worthy cause!    

·        Holiday Fair—Our Mundy Holiday Fair will be held on Saturday, Dec. 3rd. Please mark your calendars. It is always a fantastic event! More information will be coming soon.

·        EVERY FRIDAY IS SPIRIT DAY! Wear our school colors, GREEN & GRAY, OR wear Nelda Mundy spirit wear that can be purchased on line.  Please show school spirit!

PROGRESS REPORTS are going home Tuesday.  These are meant to give you a general overview of how your kindergartener is doing right now.  The next formal assessment will be the report card/parent conference in November.
·         In order to be ON grade level in READING, your child needs to have ALL of the following:   at least 12- 17  letter names,  5-8  letter sounds and at least 3  high frequency words.  If he/she is performing at all below, that will explain the N in that subject.
·         In order to be ON grade level in MATH, your child needs to be able to count and identify (out of order) all numbers to 10, independently.
·         Please understand that an “N” means that s/he needs growth and has not YET mastered that skill.   It is an indicator of what you can be working on at home with your child.
·         More than likely, your child received an N or P in writing and conventions.  This means that we are all working diligently every day on handwriting, forming our letters correctly.  Very few students have mastered this at this point in the year.
·         Our “show off” writing is also coming home.  Our grading scale follows a   0 – 3 scoring system.  In order to receive a “3” in writing, your child must include…
o       1 complete sentence that makes sense
o       left to right, using finger spaces between words
o        uppercase letter at the beginning, lowercase throughout the rest of the word or sentence
o        spelling all word wall words correctly
o        stretching out unfamiliar words
o        a period at the end of the sentence
Please note…most children have barely begun to write words, not to mention a complete sentence.  This is what we are working on every day.  Therefore, most children received a “2”, which is perfectly ok!  As the year progresses, students will be expected to write 2 (in March) and 3 sentences by the end of the school year in May.  Daily practice WILL make a world of difference!  Thank you for your support and reinforcement of our standards from home.  Like always, feel free to email your teacher with any questions or concerns.

Thank you again for all that you do at home to support your child’s learning.  We appreciate all that you do!  Please feel free to email with any concerns or questions!  Thank you!!

The Kindergarten Team
Mrs. Barnes:
Mrs. Barron:
Mrs. Ron:
Ms. Davila: