Friday, September 23, 2016

Kindergarten Newsletter for September 26th-30th

 THANK YOU to all of the parent volunteers who helped us today at Apple Festival and with picture day!!!  It was a LOT to do in one day and we appreciate your donations and help with our events!!! 

Fire Safety Week is upon us!  We are very fortunate to be able to have our local fire fighters visit us next week on either Wednesday or Thursday from 11:00 –12:00. We will let everyone know which day it will be as it approaches.

Here’s what’s coming up for next week… 

·        Our theme next week is Fire Safety, and our new word wall word is “can.”  NOW, we know the following High Frequency Words: I, a, like, the, see, is, and, my & can.

·        Super Hero Day is Thursday, September 29th.  Come dressed as your favorite Super Hero. Checkout Pinterest for some great ideas and no sew capes.
    The last Thursday of each month will be a designated spirit day. Show your Mundy spirit by participating in as many as you can.

·        Pictures- If you did not turn in your child’s picture day money today, we cannot collect it in the classroom.  You will have to do picture day make-ups on October 27th.

·        PROGRESS REPORTS will be coming home the week of October 3rd.  These will explain how many letter names, sounds, high frequency words and number writing your child is able to demonstrate that they know.  Students will receive an N in writing and conventions.  Although we are writing every day, most kids are not yet ready to understand what they are doing.  Please do not panic about an N in writing.  The most important things for now are letter names, sounds, and high frequency words.  Sounds must come first in order for them to begin stretching out and writing words. Please continue to help your child practice their letter sounds and high frequency words. Further details regarding our end of the year standards will be discussed at your child’s parent-teacher conference in November

Please be sure to fill out and return the Volunteer Personal Automobile Use and DMV form for field trip driving, along with a photocopy of your current driver’s license and auto insurance declarations page. Additionally, you will need to be fingerprinted by our district if you plan to drive (please call 399-5078 to make an appointment).  We NEED DRIVERS in order to take field trips this year.  Taking a bus costs approximately $2,000.  We have always taken 1 field trip due to the bussing expense.  This year, we plan to take at least 4 field trips with the savings.  Please help us to make this happen.

October 26th  - Silveyville Pumpkin Patch in Dixon
October 28th – Rockville Terrace Retirement Home in Fairfield
November 18th – Lion King Play in Vacaville
May 2nd – Loma Vista Farm in Vallejo

We will need lots of parent drivers to have this many adventures. Please complete ALL of the paperwork and fingerprinting early.

·        Holiday Fair—Our Nelda Mundy Holiday Fair will be held on Saturday, December 3rd.  Each grade level will be decorating a tree with a different theme that will be raffled off at the end of the day.  In the next few weeks you will recieve a sign up genius asking for donations for our tree.  Please help with this very important school fundraiser.

·        Homework this week—We’re continuing to work on proper handwriting for homework, as well as high frequency words and writing a sentence.  PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE work on letter sounds with your child at home.  There are 30 letter sounds that we test your child on: the 26 letters in the alphabet and the digraphs, /sh/, /ch/, /th/, /wh/.  ALL students need to continue to work on sounds, as well as High Frequency Words.  We work on them every day in class, but if you are doing flashcards or put them on the fridge or on the wall at home for more exposure, you will notice that they will learn them much quicker. 

·        Writing—We continue to write every day!  We are expecting your child to know the words “I, see, a, the, like, is, and, my & can.”  Please encourage them to write those every day.  You can even start writing simple sentences such as, “I like the ____.”  OR “ I see a _____.”  You can stretch out the sounds of the unfamiliar word or draw a picture.  If your child is ready, please encourage MORE in their writing!!!  We always encourage more detail and words in sentences if kids are ready.  Daily writing practice helps tremendously.

·        Guided Reading Books—We have begun to send home little guided reading books with your child.  These are the books that we read with your child each day.  Please help us to keep these beloved and VERY important books safe.  Please return them EVERY day in your child’s folder in the little Ziploc bag provided.  ****If your child does NOT receive one, it is because he/she is not ready for books at this time and is still working on letter sounds and high frequency words.
·        LIBRARY—please return your library books BY THURSDAY of each week, as we will go to the library every Friday to check out one book.  Please help us by reiterating the process of checking out a book--- find one you’d like, take it to Mrs. Sagara our librarian, find your library card on the table, and check out your book.  We still have some confusion about taking it home without checking it out!  J  We are still learning!!

Folders & Homework— Just a friendly reminder, your child needs to bring their folder to school EVERYDAY and place it in the bucket and we do not collect homework until Fridays. Thanks!!!

Thank you again for all that you do at home to support your child’s learning.  We appreciate all that you do!  Please feel free to email with any concerns or questions!  Thank you!!

The Kindergarten Team
Mrs. Barnes:
Mrs. Barron:
Mrs. Ron:
Ms. Davila:

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