THANK YOU again to our wonderful Kindergarten
families who donated items, made or brought food, helped with set up and clean
up, or simply joined us for our Valentine’s Day party! The kids had a fantastic day because of your
generosity. Here’s what’s coming up for
next week…
There is NO SCHOOL on Monday, February 15th
for all students. This is for observance of Washington’s
Sharing- Next week’s
letter is “Bb”. Please make sure your child writes three clues about
his/her share and practices reading them aloud.
Our theme for this week is President’s Day. Our new word wall word is “they.” We now know the following words: I, like, see, a, is, the, can, my, and,
have, go, to, has, am, look, are, saw, went, with, up & they.
Writing—Our writing job
is the same all month. We are still
writing using SOUND words. Please have your child write at least
two sentences about the sounds you hear.
You can go for another walk, tell us about the sounds you hear in your
house, on the way to school, whatever you like. “On the way to school I heard a garbage truck. It went beep beep beep. It was very loud and rumbly.” (in
Kindergarten writing of course).
REMINDER We are currently
testing for report cards, therefore aren’t able to do reading groups at this
time. We will resume after next
week. Please read with your child at
home every day!
Fieldtrip - Permission
Slips for our next field trip went home last week. We will be returning to
Paradise Valley Retirement Home. AM Kinder classes will go on Tuesday, March
8, while PM Kinder classes will go on Thursday, March 10. Please return
your child’s completed and signed permission slip by February 19th.
Please let your child’s teacher know if you will be a parent driver as soon as
possible. Thank you!
There is NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS Friday March
4th as it is a teacher work day.
Thank you again for all that you do at home to
support your child’s learning. We
appreciate all that you do! Please feel
free to email with any concerns or questions!
Thank you!!
The Kindergarten Team
Mrs. Barnes:
Mrs. Barron:
Mrs. Ron:
Ms. Davila:
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