Monday, October 20, 2014

Newsletter October 20th-24th

Denim & Diamonds Auction tickets
on sale NOW!!!!

Here’s what’s coming up for this week… 

·        Holiday Tree Items are NOW DUE.  If you are donating an item for the Mundy Holiday Fair, please bring it in now!  Thank you!!!

·        We are now iPad friendly in Kindergarten!  Our ipads are up and running, and we are using them as a center several days a week.  We are currently using Reading Ravens, a district suggested app, as well as Starfall, a free website that teaches letter names, sounds, word families and other fun activities.  Check them out at home!  

·        To access the Halloween Party sign up genius, please follow this link: 

·        Our Halloween Party is fast approaching!  Thank you for your donations to our parties!  If you have signed up for non-perishable items, please bring them in ASAP.  We would like to have inventory of all that we have and all that we still need.  If you are donating a fresh food item, please bring it on Halloween.  THANK YOU!

·        Here’s what to expect on Halloween at Nelda Mundy…
o      Kindergarteners come to school dressed in costume—please no weapons of any kind!!
o      The AM classes will “parade” through the school in the classrooms of the big kids.  Parents are welcome to join us!
o      Parties will happen immediately after that “parade.”
o      Afternoon kids come to school and will participate in the “School-Wide Parade” around the park at 1:30.
o      If any AM kids would like to participate in this parade, you may bring your child back to school at 1:30 to participate!!  But, please remember that the second party is for the PM kids only!  J
o      The PM party will begin immediately following the parade.

·        Holiday Fair—Our Mundy Holiday Fair will be held on Saturday, Dec. 6th from 10-2.  Our Kindergarten tree’s theme will be Family Fun Night.  Please see the sign up genius and sign up for an item(s) to donate! 

·        To check the Holiday Tree Sign up genius to see what you signed up for, please follow this link:

·        Next week is SPIRIT WEEK!!!!!  Please try to participate for each day of the week.  It’s so much more fun when we all join in on the fun!

o      Monday 10/27—Mustache Day—wear or draw on a funny mustache or wear a mustache shirt!
o      Tuesday 10/28—Superhero Day—wear your favorite superhero gear, whether it’s a full costume or just a superhero t-shirt.
o      Wednesday 10/29—Nerd Day—dress like your favorite nerd!
o      Thursday 10/30—Rainbow Day—each grade level will wear a different color of the rainbow.  Kindergarten will be wearing as MANY COLORS of the rainbow at once!!!
o      Friday 10/31—Halloween—we can’t wait to see your fabulous costumes!

·        Our theme this week is Monsters, and we are reviewing all of our word wall words.    NOW, we know the following High Frequency Words: I, a, like, the, see, is, can, my, and, have, go & to.  Please encourage your child to use these words in their writing every day!

·        Guided Reading Little BooksJust a friendly reminder that we won’t always send a new book each day.  Sometimes we are doing testing, and can’t get to reading groups each day.  But when we DO send books home, thank you for returning them every day!
·        Reminder: EVERY Wednesday (except during Spirit Week), PLEASE wear college spirit wear! 

·        Every Thursday, we wear YELLOW in honor of Makenna.

·        EVERY FRIDAY IS SPIRIT DAY (except during Spirit Week)! Wear our school colors, GREEN & GRAY!
Thank you again for all that you do at home to support your child’s learning.  We appreciate all that you do!  Please feel free to email with any concerns or questions!  Thank you!!

The Kindergarten Team
Mrs. Barnes:
Mrs. Barron:
Mrs. Ron:
Ms. Davila:

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