Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Sept. 2nd-5th Newsletter

Here’s what’s coming up for this week... 

Back to School Night is THIS WEDNESDAY from 5 – 
6pm. There will be a short presentation by our principal 
in the MPR (cafeteria) at 5, and then Kindergarten will 
have our presentation immediately after in the library
You will be welcome to tour your child’s classroom after 
the presentation in the library. Everyone must leave the 
campus at 6:00 unless you are staying for an upper 
grade sibling’s BTSN. We need to leave the campus to 
make room for the upper grade students parents to park. 
Thank you for your cooperation!

Homework will come home every Monday and be due back to school every Friday. Your child should always complete their homework in pencil unless specifically asked to color something in crayon. Please do not return it to school earlier in the week. It will not be collected until Friday.

Homework this week~ So far, we are only requiring 
handwriting practice. We cannot stress enough the 
importance of proper formation for handwriting. We 
returned your child’s handwriting homework last week with 
notes explaining what we expect. Please be sure to sit with 
your child to ensure proper formation of letters, spaces 
between each letter, and writing ON the lines. This is hard 
for them. They need your support and encouragement at 

This week we are working on the letters Gg, Hh, Ii. 
Here’s what you need to know about them:
o To make a g—make a “magic c”, go up, then down into 
the basement and give it a tail.
o To make an h—start at the top of the line, go 
straight down, don’t pick up your pencil, trace back 
up and give it one hump.
o To make an I—start at the top and make a tall man 
down, give it a hat and shoes. Lower case, make the 
line going down and then put the dot above it. 

• Our theme this week is building and making Patterns. This is an important skill for Kindergarteners. You can always find patterns all around with your child, as well as make them yourselves at home! 

Our new word wall word is the. We will introduce a new 
word wall each week that your child will be expected to 
learn and use. These are displayed in the classroom for 
them to reference and use in their writing. So far, we know 
the following words: I, see, a, like & the.

Folders~~ folders go back and forth to school EVERY DAY, with the exclusion of Wed.’s. Please have your child to 
put their folder in the bucket every day. Do NOT do it for 
them, as they will not learn the routine. We are encouraging 

Please be sure that EVERYTHING you bring to school is 
LABELED with your name!!!!

Parent Volunteers~~We will have a sign up sheet for 
Parent Volunteers at Back to School Night. If you are 
interested in volunteering in our classroom this year, you 
will need to be fingerprinted with the school district. You 
can get this process started early by calling them and 
telling them that you need to be fingerprinted. Please
have your child use the BATHROOM BEFORE school every 

• College Wednesdays!!!~~Every Wednesday at Nelda Mundy are college days! These are our college t-shirt days. 
Please encourage your child to wear any college t-shirt on 

School Spirit Fridays!!!~Every Friday is School Spirit Day. Please have your child wear school colors, green & gray. 

• We have severe peanut allergies in Kindergarten every year. Please NO PEANUTS at snack time!!!

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