Sunday, June 1, 2014

It's the final countdown!

This is it.  The final five days of school.  They're going to be fun filled and will go by FAST!  It's so exciting to start summer vacation and also so sad to say goodbye to our sweet Kindergarten year.  We never want it to end...  If you are able to join us at school for any or all of our final activities, we hope you will and enjoy the last precious moments of Kindergarten.

Monday:  Father's Day Celebration the first 45 minutes of both AM & PM K classes

Wednesday:  Hawaiian Day - Please have your child dress in either Hawaiian style or just in bright colorful colors.  The students will perform their songs for the parents first thing in the morning.  We will have a Hawaiian Day party the rest of the day.  You are welcome to stay and help with that if you'd like to.

Thursday:  Our last regular day of school we will start off with a slide show, looking back on the year we've spent together.  We'll have the tissues out.  You'll need them!

Friday:  The Last Day of School is a Minimum Day.  All Kindergartners will attend from 8:15-11:35.  We will have an outdoor field day on our playground.  Have your child dressed appropriately to be outdoors all morning wear hats, sunscreen, and sunglasses if they have allergies.

Please sign up on Sign Up Genius if you have not already.  We will need your help to make Hawaiian Day and our Last Day of School events fun for all.

Thank YOU!
The K team

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