a fabulous Memorial Day weekend making memories with your family!!! No
school tomorrow, May 25th & Monday, May 28th.
Next week is crazy busy and short. Here’s what’s
coming up…
Our theme for next week is Eric Carle.
Father’s Day in Kindergarten will be on
Monday, June 4th! We invite all dads and/or grandpas to come
in and share an hour with your child in Kindergarten! We will start our activities at the beginning of your child’s
day, so please plan to bring your child to school that day and stay for about
an hour! Father’s Day start times
are: 8:30-9:15 a.m for AM Kinder and 11:45-12:30p.m for PM Kinder. Hope
to see you there!!!
Library books were due TODAY, so if you still have
a library book at home, please return it ASAP!!! If your child damaged or lost
a book, you will receive a bill for the replacement cost.
Assessments, assessments, assessments!!! We have been doing so many assessments in
Kindergarten in the last couple of weeks, so you have not received any reading
books! When these weeks happen, please
take it upon yourself to read with your child every night!!! Thank you!
A Signup Genius to volunteer to bring in
something for our Last Day of School Party on June 8th and our
Hawaiian Day on June 6th was emailed out last week. Please signup to
help with these items. ALL items will be shared among the 5 kindergarten
Speaking of Hawaiian
Day---This will be on Wednesday, June 6th. Your children will be performing a few songs that we have learned. We will be right outside on the stone steps
in front of the school library. Please
plan to be here for the first 20 minutes or so for their songs, then
Kindergarten Slideshows immediately afterwards!!!
Please have your child
dress in their Hawaiian BEST!
Kinder Classes:
We have decided that it
is easier for families to attend Hawaiian Day and their child’s Kindergarten
Slideshow on the SAME Day. Therefore, ALL classes will present their
kindergarten Slideshow immediately after their child performs their songs.
*******Please plan on
staying for 15-20 minutes after the Hawaiian Day performance to watch the
Slideshow with your child!!!! Bring Kleenex for happy tears!
Friday, June 8th is the Last Day of School. It is a Minimum Day.
ALL kindergarteners will attend school from 8:15-11:35a.m
Solano County Library has a wonderful summer reading program
with incentives and fun, special events. Please visit their website or stop by
your local branch for details.
Thank you again
for all that you do at home to support your child’s learning. We appreciate all that you do! Please feel free to email with any concerns
or questions! Thank you!!
The Kindergarten
Mrs. Barnes: sarahba@fsusd.org
Mrs. Barron: erinba@fsusd.org
Ms. Davila: theresad@fsusd.org
Mrs. Macway: michellema@fsusd.org
Mrs. Pravin: sheetalp@fsusd.org