Friday, January 27, 2017

Kindergarten Newsletter: January 30th - February 3rd

   Here’s what’s coming up next week…    

·        Wednesday, February 1st is our 100th Day of School!!!  This is a school wide spirit day. Please have your child come to school dressed as a 100 year old person!!! Be as creative and fun as you can!

·        Thank you to those who are willing to bring in a bag or box of snacks to sort for our 100th Day centers-  A SignUp Genius was sent out yesterday. We are still in need of more snacks (ie. chocolate chips, mini marshmallows, teddy grahams, pretzels, fruit loops).  Please bring them by Monday. Thank you!!!

·        Our Great Kindness Challenge- Last week the Student Council challenged us all to be as kind as we could be all week.  A sheet went home with ideas, if you filled out the sheet with things that you did for others, and bring it to school on Monday, January 30th you will earn a pride card.

·        Our theme for this week is 100th Day of School and Groundhog Day, and our new word wall word is “went.”  We know the following High Frequency Words: I, a, like, the, see, is, can, my, and, have, go, to, has, you, feel, we, look, are & went.  Please encourage your child to use these words in their writing every day!!!!

·        Write and Share Homework- is going home today. We are asking you to send in 100 of something in a ziplock bag and  write about it. It should be 100 of the same item. (ie. marshmallows, cheerios, pennies, chocolate chips, cotton balls, buttons, noodles, etc.) It should be something you have around the house. Please NO NUTS and do not buy anything. Students will present what they brought throughout next week, so please bring it in as soon as you can. Thank you.

·        Parent Valentine to your child – This week a note went home asking you to make a beautiful Valentine for your child. This is a surprise we will give to them on the day of our party. Please be creative and make it special for them (ie. add photos, stickers, glitter, poems). They will always remember this special valentine from you! You can send them in a folder or envelope to your child’s teacher as soon as you complete them. Please do NOT send in any gifts or candy with your Parent Valentine. It is due to your child’s teacher by Friday, February 10th.  Thank you.

·        Valentine Mailboxes- Please have your child decorate a shoe box or any box of similar size to collect all their Valentines in. Help them to make it unique. There are lots of fun, creative ideas on Pinterest and Google. Please make sure their name can be clearly seen on their mailbox. This is where the children will deposit the valentines to your child. ****** Due to limited space, please do NOT bring them until Friday, February 10th. Thank you!

·        Valentine’s for Classmates-The children love to give their classmates valentines. Please make sure to send your child with 30 valentines.  Have your child sign their name in the “from” section, but just address them to: my friend in the “to” section. Do NOT put individual names on the valentines. We do not have enough time to help your child pass out to specific children. Thank you for your understanding. Please have your child bring his/her valentines ON the day of our party on February 14th, not before.

Kindergarten provides their own prizes for our Pride Card Drawings every Friday.  If you are willing and/or able to donate some little $1 prizes for our prize box, we would greatly appreciate it!!!! Please do NOT send in any candy. THANK YOU!

·        WEEKLY HOMEWORK—Please have your child complete 1-2 pages per day.  Please help and encourage your child to USE THE LINES when writing words and to write 3 sentences on only one topic.  Please do NOT spell words for your child.  Instead, help them to stretch out their sounds.  They must use their very best handwriting, USING CORRECT LETTER FORMAITON, as this is a very important skill for Kindergarten.

·        Writing—Our writing job is the same all month.  We are STILL writing about the way people look.  Please have your child write at least two sentences about the way someone in your family looks.  For example, “My mom has short blond hair and big blue eyes.  She is tall.  Her smile is beutifl.”  (in Kindergarten writing of course)  We will be having our Show Off Writing at the beginning of next week, so please help your child practice at home the next few days. 

·        REMINDER Please be sure that your child returns their book bag in their folder everyday.  We cannot send a new book home with them to practice reading if they do not bring their book bag to reading group.  Thank you!!

Thank you again for all that you do at home to support your child’s learning.  We appreciate all that you do!  Please feel free to email with any concerns or questions!  Thank you!!
The Kindergarten Team
Mrs. Barnes:
Mrs. Barron:
Mrs. Ron:
Ms. Davila:

Friday, January 20, 2017

Kindergarten Newsletter January 23rd-27th

Kindergarten Newsletter
January 23rd – 27th 

  Here’s what’s coming up for next week…    

·        Progress Reports will be going home next week. Please SIGN it and RETURN it to school.  Please do not hesitate if you have questions to email.  Thank you. 

  • Permission slips for our FIELD TRIP went home. If you have not yet returned it signed, please do so ASAP.

·        It will soon be our 100th day of Kindergarten!  We have many fun activities planned. A sign up genius will be sent next week. Please be on the lookout for it if you would like to donate to help our special day be a success.

·        Valentine’s Day is coming up!  We will be celebrating on the 14th with a fun party!  A sign up genius went out with items we will need. If you didn’t see it please let us know.

·        SECRET-A special email was sent to you today regarding a VERY SPECIAL VALENTINE FOR YOUR CHILD. PLEASE READ IT ENTIRELY!!!

·        Speaking of Valentine’s Day…please send your child to school that day with 30 valentines.  PLEASE have your child write “From (name)” on each valentine.  Please do NOT address Valentines to individual students in our classes.  We cannot help your child deliver valentines to specific friends. 

·        Please have your child bring his/her valentines ON the day of our party, not before. We cannot store all of them in our classrooms!! Thank you!

·        WEEKLY HOMEWORK—Please have your child complete 1-2 pages per day, in their best handwriting, with proper spacing!!!!  Please help and encourage your child to USE THE LINES when writing words.  Complete the work in your very best handwriting, as this is a very important skill for Kindergarten.

·        EXTRA WORK—Please be sure to check your child’s folder each day to review their center work for the day.  If you see anything UNfinished, please have your child take the time to sit and complete the job.  It does NOT need to be returned to school.  Thank you!  

·        Writing—Our writing job is the same all month!!!  We are STILL writing about the way people look.  Please have your child write at least two sentences about the way someone in your family looks.

·        This week, we are learning about Chinese New Year.  We are also talking about rhyming words, listening to the ENDING sounds of words and our new word wall word is “are.”  We know the following High Frequency Words: I, a, like, the, see, is, can, my, and, have, go, to, has, you, feel, we, look, said and saw.  Please encourage your child to use these words in their writing every day!!!!

Thank you again for all that you do at home to support your child’s learning.  We appreciate all that you do!  Please feel free to email with any concerns or questions!  Thank you!!
The Kindergarten Team
Mrs. Barnes:
Mrs. Barron:
Mrs. Ron:
Ms. Davila:

Friday, January 13, 2017

Kindergarten Newsletter January 16-20 2017

Kindergarten Newsletter
January 16th – 20th 

Here’s what’s coming up for next week…    

·        Next Monday, the 16th, is a holiday for Martin Luther King Jr. observance.  Enjoy your three day weekend!

·   Valentine’s Day will be here before you know it! A sign up genius has been sent to you with items that we will need for our celebration. Thank you in advance for donating!

·       Read to Succeed- Please remember that your child’s completed and signed Read to Succeed reading log is due by February 15th.  Students who participate will earn a one day admission ticket to Six Flags.

·        Reading Eggs- Thank you to those who have been utilizing this terrific phonics and reading program. Teachers are able to check who has logged on, the number of times, and for how long. Unfortunately, there are many students who haven’t done so. Next week, teachers will send home a letter with students who would most benefit from Reading Eggs.  They will now be required to use Reading Eggs as part of their weekly homework.

    ·   Fieldtrip- Permission slips have gone home. If you have not yet signed it and returned, please do so as soon as possible.

·        Writing—Our writing job is the same all month!!!  For the month of January, we are writing about the way people look.  Please have your child write at least two sentences about the way someone in your family looks.  For example, “My mom lives with me in my house.  She has brown, curly hair, brown eyes, and big red lips.”  (in Kindergarten writing of course)

·        Our theme for next week is Martin Luther King Jr. Our new word wall word is “saw.”  We know the following High Frequency Words: I, a, am, like, the, see, is, can, my, and, have, go, to, has, you, feel, we, look, are, & said.  Please encourage your child to use these words in their writing every day!!!!

Go Noodle is a fun, free program we have been using in our classrooms and many students want to use it at home.  It’s like indoor PE.  Just go to and the Channels we have used are Moose Tube and Zumba.  There are lots of other areas to explore there as well.  Don’t forget about really love it!

Thank you again for all that you do at home to support your child’s learning.  We appreciate all that you do!  Please feel free to email with any concerns or questions!  Thank you!!
The Kindergarten Team
Mrs. Barnes:
Mrs. Barron:
Mrs. Ron:
Ms. Davila:

Friday, January 6, 2017

Kindergarten Newsletter: January 9th-13th

 Here’s what’s coming up for next week…    

·   Sharing Can- Please have your child write three clues about their share item. Students should practice reading their clues aloud, so they will be prepared to do so in front of their class the following day.

·   Snack- Please send your child to school each day with a       snack. We do not provide snacks. Students may only bring water to drink. Due to nut allergies, please do not send any nuts or nut by-products.

·        Reminder that there is NO SCHOOL on Monday, January 16th in observance of the Martin Luther King Jr. holiday.  Enjoy your three-day weekend!

·        Mitten Homework— These were due on January 6th. If you haven’t turned yours in, please do so.  We’d like to hang them up as soon as possible.  Please have your child decorate them fancily, CUT them out, and attach them together with yarn, string, or ribbon.  They are on display in our classrooms, so please spend some time making them look special!  (NO food please)

·        College Day- is back. Wear your favorite college tshirt/sweatshirt EVERY Wednesday.  Mundy spirit wear is EVERY Friday. Show your school spirit!

·        Writing—Our writing job is the same all month!!!  For the month of January, we are writing about the way people look.  Please have your child write at least two sentences about the way someone in your family looks.  For example, “My mom lives with me in my house.  She has brown, curly hair, brown eyes, and big red lips.”  (in Kindergarten writing of course)

·        Our theme for next week is Penguins, and our new word wall word is “said.”  We know the following High Frequency Words: I, a, like, the, see, is, can, my, and, have, go, to, has, you, feel, we, look, & am.  Please encourage your child to use these words in their writing every day!!!!

·        Important Upcoming Dates-
January 16th: NO SCHOOL- Martin Luther King Jr. holiday
February 10th: Jelly Belly Fieldtrip- ALL Kindergarteners        will attend school from 8:15am-11:35am (more info to come later)
February 13th: NO SCHOOL- President Lincoln holiday
February 15th: Six Flags Read to Succeed Reading Logs due
February 20th: NO SCHOOL- President Washington holiday

Thank you again for all that you do at home to support your child’s learning.  We appreciate all that you do!  Please feel free to email with any concerns or questions!  Thank you!!
The Kindergarten Team
Mrs. Barnes:
Mrs. Barron:
Mrs. Ron:
Ms. Davila:

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Kindergarten Newsletter: January 2nd-6th

Hello and welcome back to the grind. We’re happy to be back and ready to start out the new year with excitement!!!  Here’s what’s happening this week…    

·        Thank you so very much for all the wonderful, amazing, and generous Christmas gifts that you graced us all with!!! They were greatly appreciated!  You are too kind!

·        Mitten/Rhyming Word Homework- Please be sure to read the directions regarding this special homework assignment that was handed out before winter break. Be creative, colorful, and include your name on the back. The mittens need to be CUT out and attached together with string. Mittens are due by Friday, January 6th.
·        SNACKS—Please send WATER ONLY and please understand that we rarely have extra snacks to hand out for those who do not bring a snack.  Please remember to send your child to school with a snack EVERY DAY.

·        Writing—Our writing job has changed again for the month of January.  Our focus is now writing about the way people look.  Please have your child write at least two complete sentences about the way someone in your family looks.  For example, “My mom lives with me in my house.  She has brown, curly hair, brown eyes, and big red lips.”  (in Kindergarten writing of course)

·        Our theme for this week is: The New Year and Mittens, and the new word wall word is “look.”  We know the following High Frequency Words: I, a, like, the, see, is, can, my, and, have, go, to, has, you, am, feel, we, & look.  Please encourage your child to use these words in their writing every day!!!!

·        Label- Please make sure all of your child’s things are clearly labeled with his/her name- coats, lunch pails, water bottles, etc.

Thank you again for all that you do at home to support your child’s learning.  We appreciate all that you do!  Please feel free to email with any concerns or questions!  Thank you!!
The Kindergarten Team
Mrs. Barnes:
Mrs. Barron:
Mrs. Ron:
Ms. Davila: