Monday, January 26, 2015

kindergarten newsletter 1-26

Kindergarten Newsletter
January 26th – 30th    

Here’s what’s coming up for this week…    

·        Wednesday is our 100th Day of School!!!  If you can, please try to wear something 100 related!  Maybe….100 bows in your hair, 100 eyeballs glued to your shirt, 100 beads on a necklace, 100 stickers stuck to a hat, whatever you can dream up!  We’d love to see your creativity if you are up for a challenge!  No pressure, but it’s always fun to see the kids show off 100 of something!

·        Thank you to those who are willing to bring in a bag or box of snacks to sort for Thursday and Friday’s centers.  We are still in need of more snacks.  Please ask your teacher if you can donate something.  Thank you!!!

·        Our Great Kindness Challenge is ON!!!!  The Student Council has challenged us all to be as kind as you can this week.  There is a sheet coming home today to help us with ideas if you might need them.  If you fill out the sheet with things that you do for others, and bring it to school, you will earn a pride card for the office!! 

·        Our theme for this week is 100th Day of School, and our new word wall word is “went.”  We know the following High Frequency Words: I, a, like, the, see, is, can, my, and, have, go, to, has, you, feel, we, look, are & went.  Please encourage your child to use these words in their writing every day!!!!

·        Kindergarten provides their own prizes for our Pride Card Drawings every Friday.  If you are willing and/or able to donate some little $1 prizes for our prize box, we would greatly appreciate it!!!!  THANK YOU!

·        WEEKLY HOMEWORK—Please have your child complete 1-2 pages per day.  Please help and encourage your child to USE THE LINES when writing words and to write 2-3 sentences on only one topic.  Have your child complete their work in their very best handwriting, USING CORRECT LETTER FORMAITON, as this is a very important skill for Kindergarten.

·        Writing—Our writing job is the same all month.  We are STILL writing about the way people look.  Please have your child write at least two sentences about the way someone in your family looks.  For example, “My mom has short blond hair and big blue eyes.  She is tall.  Her smile is beutifl.”  (in Kindergarten writing of course)  We will be having our Show Off Writing at the end of the week, so please help your child practice at home the next few days. 

·        REMINDER Please be sure that your child returns their book bag in their folder everyday.  We cannot send a new book home with them to practice reading if they do not bring their book bag to reading group.  Thank you!!

Thank you again for all that you do at home to support your child’s learning.  We appreciate all that you do!  Please feel free to email with any concerns or questions!  Thank you!!
The Kindergarten Team
Mrs. Barnes:
Mrs. Barron:
Mrs. Ron:
Ms. Davila:

Friday, January 16, 2015

Newsletter Jan 20 - 23rd

Kindergarten Newsletter
January   20th - 23rd 

We hope you enjoyed a relaxing three days.  Here’s what’s coming up for this week…    

·        Progress Reports are coming home this week.  If your child received a progress report, please sign the HIGHLIGHTED copy, and return it to school.  If you are receiving an “at-risk of retention” letter, please SIGN it and RETURN it to school.  Please do not hesitate if you have questions to email.  Thank you.

·        If your child does NOT receive a Progress Report, this means that s/he is performing ON or ABOVE grade level at this time. 

·        If you have not yet turned in a 2in. binder with your child’s name labeled inside, please do so ASAP.  We have already begun to put your child’s collection of Kindergarten art into a keepsake binder!  We are still missing MANY!!!

·        Valentine’s Day is coming up!  We will be celebrating on the 13th with a fun party!  Please be on the lookout for a sign-up genius, showing which items we will need for our parties! 

·        Speaking of Valentine’s Day…please send your child to school that day with 33 valentines.  PLEASE have your child write “From (name)” on each valentine.  Please do NOT address Valentines to individual students in our classes.  We cannot help your child deliver valentines to specific friends. 

·        Please have your child bring his/her valentines ON the day of our party, not before. We cannot store all of them in our classrooms!! Thank you!

·        WEEKLY HOMEWORK—Please have your child complete 1-2 pages per day, in their best handwriting, with proper spacing!!!!  Please help and encourage your child to USE THE LINES when writing words.  Complete the work in your very best handwriting, as this is a very important skill for Kindergarten.

·        EXTRA WORK—Please be sure to check your child’s folder each day to review their center work for the day.  If you see anything UNfinished, please have your child take the time to sit and complete the job.  It does NOT need to be returned to school.  Thank you!  

·        Writing—Our writing job is the same all month!!!  We are STILL writing about the way people look.  Please have your child write at least two sentences about the way someone in your family looks.

·        This week, we are learning about the very important Martin Luther King Jr.  We are also talking about rhyming words, listening to the ENDING sounds of words and our new word wall word is “saw.”  We know the following High Frequency Words: I, a, like, the, see, is, can, my, and, have, go, to, has, you, feel, we, look, are, & saw.  Please encourage your child to use these words in their writing every day!!!!

Thank you again for all that you do at home to support your child’s learning.  We appreciate all that you do!  Please feel free to email with any concerns or questions!  Thank you!!
The Kindergarten Team
Mrs. Barnes:
Mrs. Barron:
Mrs. Ron:

Ms. Davila:

Monday, January 12, 2015

Kindergarten Newsletter
January   12th – 16th  

Here’s what’s coming up for this week…    

·        Next Monday, the 19th, is a holiday for Martin Luther King Jr. observance.  Enjoy your three-day weekend!

·        Mitten Homework— These are due as soon as you can finish them.  We’d like to hang them up as soon as possible.  Please have your child decorate them fancily, CUT them out, and attach them together with yarn, string or ribbon.  We will be hanging them up, so please spend some time making them look special and fun!  (NO food please)

·        Writing—Our writing job is the same all month!!!  For the month of January, we are writing about the way people look.  Please have your child write at least two sentences about the way someone in your family looks.  For example, “My mom lives with me in my house.  She has brown, curly hair, brown eyes, and big red lips.”  (in Kindergarten writing of course)

·        Our theme for this week is Penguins, and our new word wall word is “are.”  We know the following High Frequency Words: I, a, like, the, see, is, can, my, and, have, go, to, has, you, feel, we, look, & are.  Please encourage your child to use these words in their writing every day!!!!

·        College Week is NEXT WEEK!! 
o      Tuesday—Sports Day
o      Wednesday—80’s/Neon day
o      Thursday—Superhero Day
o      Friday—Pajama/Cozy clothes Day

·        Kindergarten could use some fun and colorful PONY beads (the fat ones with the big hole in the center) to use for beading on Fun Fridays!  If you would like to donate some, our kids would greatly appreciate it! 

·        SCHOLASTIC Book Orders—We send the book orders home so that you can preview the books, but please do ALL ordering online.  It’s much easier for us!  Thanks!

Thank you again for all that you do at home to support your child’s learning.  We appreciate all that you do!  Please feel free to email with any concerns or questions!  Thank you!!
The Kindergarten Team
Mrs. Barnes:
Mrs. Barron:
Mrs. Ron:
Ms. Davila:

Monday, January 5, 2015

January 5th-9th Newsletter

Hello and welcome back to the grind!  We’re happy to be back and ready to start out a new year with excitement!  Here’s what’s coming up for this week…    

·        Thank you so very much for all the wonderful, amazing and generous Christmas gifts that you graced us all with!  They were greatly appreciated!  You are toooooo kind!!!

  • We are so thankful to have had Mrs. Tang and are sad to see her go.  She was such a wonderful addition to our Kindergarten family, but was unable to stay for the remainder of the year.  FORTUNATELY though…..

·        We get to welcome Mrs. Pravin, our new, long-term substitute for Mrs. Ron.  She will be with us until the end of the school year while Mrs. Ron is recovering! 
·        SNACKS—Please send WATER ONLY and please understand that we rarely have extra snacks to hand out for those who do not bring a snack.  Please remember to send your child to school with a snack every day.

·        Writing—Our writing job has changed again for the month of Jan.  Our focus is now writing about the way people look.  Please have your child write at least two sentences about the way someone in your family looks.  For example, “My mom lives with me in my house.  She has brown, curly hair, brown eyes, and big red lips.”  (in Kindergarten writing of course)

·        Our theme for this week is The New Year and Mittens, and the new word wall word is “look.”  We know the following High Frequency Words: I, a, like, the, see, is, can, my, and, have, go, to, has, you, feel, we & look.  Please encourage your child to use these words in their writing every day!!!!

Thank you again for all that you do at home to support your child’s learning.  We appreciate all that you do!  Please feel free to email with any concerns or questions!  Thank you!!
The Kindergarten Team
Mrs. Barnes:
Mrs. Barron:
Mrs. Ron:
Ms. Davila: